Chapter 02

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I woke up at 10am, I had a late night of tossing and turning, I didn't sleep very well. It was Saturday and I didn't have much planned so I sat on my phone for a while whilst listening to music on Spotify in the background.

I got up at around 11:30am and jumped into the shower, I followed my usual shower routine and then jumped out and dried my hair. I heard my phone ping from the bedroom, I left it to go do my normal chores.

At around 14:00pm I finally got a chance to chill on the sofa in front of the tv. I went to get my phone and put on Bridgerton. I realised I had missed a message from Emily "oh fuck" I said to myself.

From Em 😊
Hey, was just thinking about you, what are you up to today? Hope your day hasn't been too busy. Was wondering if you wanted to come round for movie night, just me and you? Xoxo Emily

Instead of replying I decided to call her. She didn't answer the first time but called me back straight after. "Hey Em, I'm so sorry I got caught up with my chores I've been doing that all day, how about you come round here, we can order a takeaway. I was just finishing up Bridgerton" I said not leaving myself a chance to breathe.
"Liv, would you breathe, it's ok!! I gathered you were busy, text me the address I'll be right over ok!" "Yeah, ok, thanks Em I'll see you soon" I hung up the phone, and straight away I texted her my address.

About 30 minutes later I heard a knock at my apartment door, I slowly got up off the sofa as I was quite tired at this point "clearly, the whole 3 hours sleep I got wasn't enough" I said walking to the door. I opened it and Emily was standing there, she was wearing a red tank top with navy blue jogging bottoms, she had her blue Jordan's on and her hair was up, it was good to see the chill, causal side of her. "Hey there my favourite crime fighter, come in" I said to her making her giggle "you sounded exactly like Penelope there, you're too funny" she said "why thank you, I'm here all week" I said making my way to the kitchen, Emily following closely behind "do you want a drink?" I asked her kindly "umm, yeah, water is fine thanks" I laughed a little at her response "The Emily Prentiss, is drinking only water, wait until the guys at work here about this" I said giggling because I'm never actually going to talk to anyone at work about it "I need to drive home remember" she replied looking down at the floor like she was disappointed in her own response. "Who said you were going home, it's movie night, which always means, drinks, takeaway and of course SLEEPOVERS" I screamed the last words taking her hands in mine and jumping up and down like a giddy 12 year old.

We spent a couple hours chatting, eating our Chinese takeaway and eventually pickles got used to hearing Emily's voice and came into the living area, she jumped up into the sofa and curled up into a ball on Emily's lap. I couldn't help but put the biggest smile on my face "she never does that to anyone, must be because you're a fellow cat lady" I said still with the biggest smile on my face "what's made you this happy" Emily asked as if she didn't already know the answer. "You" I replied in a shy way. "Em, you've done nothing but make me feel comfortable since I started and I've bonded with you so much already, I've literally known you a day! I feel like this is the start of an amazing friendship, you're the only one I've bonded with, I have nothing in common with anyone else, I have no friends here Em, you're my person even though you are 36 and I'm 24, I get on with you better than I do people my age" I said nervously picking at my fingers, looking at her dead in her eyes.

"Awwwh Liv, you know the 12 years in difference between us means nothing, age is just a number! Everything you said means so much to me, I also don't have a lot of friends, I don't speak to anyone at work outside of the work setting, I'm glad I have you! You're my person, if I'm yours" she said pushing my hands away "don't do that love, I do it, look at my hands, don't ruin your fingers"

We spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa with blankets, we watched The conjuring and i laughed as Emily hid behind a pillow. Shortly after watching the second conjuring we both fell asleep on the sofa.

We woke up at 1am "em, come on let's go to bed" I said nudging her awake. I gave her some pjs to wear and we chilled listening to classical music through my speakers and on my Spotify sleep playlist. "Night Em, sweet dreams" I said whilst turning to face the other way "Night night Liv, you too" and with that we both fell into a deep sleep.

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