Chapter 10

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The next day we all met up in the hotel reception, after everyone arrived we hopped into the SUVs making our way back to the jet to go home, I was happy with how the last couple days had gone but I always was a bit confused I love Emily, but seeing that side of her was both extremely exhilarating and scary, I enjoyed it very much and I'm glad I please her but something inside me was telling me I shouldn't have done it.

Emily nudged me "you ok?" She asked gently so no one on the jet could hear "ah ha" I said nodding my head then facing the window.

Emily's POV

After last night, Olivia had been distant, quiet. I took the time to make sure she was ok in the morning and she didn't tell me otherwise but she was acting other wise. I couldn't help but think maybe what I had done and the way I acted during that intimate moment was maybe a little too dominant for her. I got up and took myself to the bathroom

I closed the lid of the toilet and I just said there head in my hands and before I knew it I began to cry. I knew I shouldn't have let myself love her, we should have stayed friends, everything's so complicated now. I didn't even know how much time had passed but I was in there for a while, I got a text.

From Love 🩷👑

What's wrong? You're taking your time in there xxx

Olivia's POV

After I sent Emily a text message I waited a couple minutes for one back but I never got one so I made my way to the bathroom and knocked on the door "Em it's me, open the door, you're worrying me." She didn't even respond she just unlocked the door her eyes were watery and I could tell that she had been crying "Em?" I questioned making her look at me. "Why have you been so quiet my love? You've barely spoke a word to me since last night, I asked you not to pressure yourself into that if you weren't ready Olivia" she said to me she was angry but I'm not too sure why though she wasn't the one questioning her sexuality, or wether it was right to love her bestfriend who was a girl or wether or not the 12 years in difference would actually matter later down the line. "Why are you angry at me Emily?" I responded "I'm not angry at you Liv, I'm angry at myself, I shouldn't have been that way with you, you're're not ready yet" she said.

"Not ready yet? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I said giving her sass, how dare she tell me what I am and am not ready for. "You're not ready to see all that I have to offer Liv, I'm a dominant, I like to be in control, I like to demand, I like to choke and oh I don't know you're too pure for that too innocent" she responded. "Oh do continue, what will it be next no Liv I can't be with you you're too young too immature, you're just not ready enough to have me in your life sound about right Em?" I asked mocking her voice in parts, waiting for her to respond....I stood there for what felt like hours waiting for her to say something "well I guess I have my answer then don't I Agent Prentiss" I responded "Olivia, no, I wasn't agreeing with you, I just don't understand why you're acting like this saying all these things that aren't true" she responded but I just walked out I couldn't look at her, all I heard was a massive bang I can only imagine she had hit something or broke something.

I decided to gather my stuff and sit in the singular seat at the other end of the jet, I just put my headphones in and cried, I pulled my knees up to the chest and sat with my head in my knees the whole journey. I couldn't speak to her I didn't want to, I looked over realising she had fallen asleep, the plane landed and I grabbed my go bag and essentially sprinted off, Emily was at the far end away from the door I didn't even look back.

I went to the taxi rank and got a taxi home to my apartment, i needed to be alone. I put Spotify on in the bedroom and went to shower leaving my phone on my bed. I stayed in the shower for and hour and a half, I didn't wash my hair I didn't do my normal showering routine I just sat down, letting the water pour over my head. Eventually I got out and went to the kitchen to make coffee. I drank my coffee and made myself something to eat and went back to my bedroom, I switched off all the lights and just cried, I picked up my phone and had 10 missed calls from Emily and some text messages.

From Baby 😍❤️
Olivia, where are you? Call me?

From Baby 😍❤️
Olivia I'm worrying, why haven't I heard from you? Let me know you're safe

From Baby 😍❤️

What the fuck Liv answer you're fucking phone, you can't just ignore me!!! Pickles misses you!

I decided to text her back, I didn't want to hear her voice over the phone.

To Baby 😍❤️
I'm fine.

She responded straight away. It's like she was on her phone waiting for a message from me. Why did she care that much? She didn't even want me in the first place, I'm too young for her, too naive!

From Baby 😍❤️
That's all I get after hours? I'm fine??? Really Olivia. Now you really are acting your age! I didn't even do anything wrong and you're acting as if I've taken your heart and shattered it into a million pieces. Stop acting like a child, get in your car and come to mine. I'm not giving you a choice!

To Baby 😍❤️
You know what, Fuck you Emily!

From Baby 😍❤️
With a foul mouth like that, no you will not "fuck me". Get in the fucking car Kinghorn, don't make me tell you again!

I switched off my phone. "Two can play that game, fucking bitch" I said to myself. I turned on my tv in the bedroom and went to kitchen opening the freezer and grabbing a pint of ice cream and a spoon. I then sprinted back through to the bedroom and jumped onto my bed, I watched a film and then fell asleep. Waking again at 1pm in the afternoon. I walked back to the kitchen and jumped out my skin "What the fuck, Emily, how did you get in?"

"You leave your spare key under the mat, I am your girlfriend remember, or did you forget that? Are you finished having your tantrum?" Yep she's definitely been drinking.

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