Chapter 12

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As me and Emily's birthdays are so close together her being October 12th and mine being October 18th we decided we would both take a two week holiday off work. Being two agents down meant Hotch had to get a couple trainees in but he had been meaning to test them anyway so agreed we could both be off together. We decided we were going to go to Paris for a couple days get away.  Emily loved it there, she had told me all about how she had to fake her own death after her terrorist ex boyfriend (she basically had to sleep with him for a profile) tried to kill her and how she spent her time in Paris, doing most of her artwork.

I woke up and it was Emily's 37th birthday, I had woken earlier that her because I wanted to get breakfast ready for her I made her favourite chocolate pancakes with strawberries. I had set up balloons all over the floor, and added streamers to the roof they dangled down and had pictures of us on them, there was black rose petals on the floor and I had bought her a big bunch of black roses as they were her favourite. I made her a love heart cake that said "thirty fucking seven" in the middle and it was emerald green and black her favourite colours. I bought her expensive canvases, paints, ink and ink pads and loads of other art tools she could use I also bought her a hoodie with a spicy photo of me on it because I'm sure she'll love that.

I then set up the speaker for music and then put the fruit, and pancakes onto the coffee table. I played birthday bitch by trap beckham. I had the speaker above my head walking into the bedroom and sang "Fuck it up if it's your birthday bitch...if you a bad bitch and it's your birthday. Go ahead and fuck it up in the worst way" i danced along the hall into the bedroom noticing she was awake I decided to twerk to the song "if you a bad bitch and it's your birthday" she sang standing up on the bed joining my dancing "Go ahead and fuck it up in the worst way" I finished as she jumped off the bed into my arms "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EM!!!" I screamed jumping up and down with her hands in mine "I LOVE YOU BABY!!!" all she could do was scream with happiness and excitement replying "thank you baby, I love you too"

"Right, I'm going to walk you through to the front room, you have to close your eyes" she didn't even say anything just closed her eyes and started walking smacking into the wall, which had us both doubled over laughing "oh my fucking hod your an idiot, I said I'd walk you" I laughed my stomach starting to hurt from laughing so much. We made it to the front room and i asked her to open her eyes. She looked around mouth wide open in shock "Oh Livvy!! I love you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you" she ran over jumping into my body I caught her and she wrapped her legs around my waist "you're welcome beautiful, now open your presents granny!" She opened all the art supplies and then I gave her the roses and then I saved the spicy hoodie for last.

"Ok you ready for your last one baby?" I asked "yeah I'm excited" she replied as I handed it over to her she slowly unwrapped it and flipped the hoodie over "God damn!!! That's my girlfriend, wow!" she said moving her head over to the left side from behind the hoodie giving me a wink "so I take it you like that one then do you" I replied "I fucking love it, I'm never taking it off" she said as she put it on "oh god sake!" I said laughing "OMG, I forgot your cake" I said getting up and sprinting into the kitchen getting it out of the fridge I took it back through and showed her it "awwwh baby, I love it" she said planting a kiss on my lips.

We spent most of the afternoon chilling, Emily didn't want to do much she just wanted a chilled day so I decided to give her a little spa day. I placed all of my skin care around, getting massage oils and some essential oils, making her go get changed into nothing but her dressing gown, I spent time setting up pillows and blankets for her to lie down on. As she came back on I put on calming spa music and said "Welcome to the Kinghorn Spa, We have Facials, Massages and Manicures and Pedicures on offer today. All at the low low cost of nothing because you are our VIP Birthday Granny" she gave me a slap at the last sentence laughing. I lay her down onto the pillows and asked if she was comfortable and gave her an hour long full body massage "you're good at that my love" she said "yeah, I used to do massages for work, now shhh, enjoy it while it lasts grandma" she just darted a horrified look at me "joking baby" I said pouting my lips out into a kissy face.

After her facial we spent an hour and a half picking out colours for our finger nails and toe nails. We had some wine so I was a bit drunk and I made an announcement "So ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to the end of such a special day celebrating Emily's 73rd birthday" I burst out laughing which made Emily double over in laughter also "so we will now be *cough *cough" getting Emily's attention I motioned her to stand "we will now be finishing up our evening by having another bottle of wine, some snacks, movies takeaways and" I looked at her and she new what was coming she understood the assignment "SLEEPOVERS" we said at the same time jumping up and down together and ended up falling down onto the floor crying with laughter "Oh my god, I can't breathe" she said "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IS ANYONE A DOCTOR OUR 73 YEAR OLD CANT BREATHE" I said which then had us both doubled over again.
"I've had the best day my love, thank you" Emily said planting a kiss on my lips still wearing her hoodie. "I love you too, you're welcome baby, you deserve the world!" I replied laying her head in my lap after putting on finding nemo and giving her a head massage.


Emily's decorations

Emily's decorations

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The spicy photo on the hoodie

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The spicy photo on the hoodie

The spicy photo on the hoodie

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