Working Girl

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Alec's POV

I should have listened to Damien. She wasn't being quiet. She was needy and very much enjoying herself. I don't think anyone slept with them being so loud. One time I almost ran upstairs until dad pulled me back. She had screamed it was like something had drug me from the bed to run to her. Everyone was up and moving around the house as they became quiet. It wasn't full on quiet, but things had definitely slowed down upstairs. Rebecca went upstairs around seven to yell at them. A little before eight Luna rushed from the room flushed and furious. She cursed having to go to work, but she still slipped her flats on and left the house. Damien came downstairs shortly after looking overly smug.

"I warned you. So don't look at me like that." He said plopping down on the couch beside me. I frowned at him still.

"I didn't realize. You were going to be up all night." I grumbled as I took a drink from my coffee cup. My phone buzzed bringing my attention to it. 'You two bring me some food please. My first appointment canceled.' Luna texted. I stood and walked to the kitchen.

"Luna wants us to bring her some food. Is anything ready?" I asked Rebecca. She pointed over to the eggs and toast on the stove. She was typing on a laptop sat at the dining room table. I gathered the food then came and stood in front of Damien.

"Come on let's go see Luna." I say kicking his foot. He stood quickly pulling on his boots. He was out the door before I even started moving to the door. I made good time to the temple, but once I got to her office the door was locked. I knocked knowing someone was in there because of the grunting.

"Give me just a minute Alec." Luna said quietly from behind the door. Knowing all to well my brother had beat me here I walked over to one of the pews and sat down. I heard her yell fuck then everything went quiet again. She came out of the office blushing at me. She was smoothing out her dress even though it looked fine. As she walked to me her dress began moving on its own.

"At this rate I'll be a uncle before you two even get out of the honey moon stage." She turned brighter red as Damien came out and snaked his arm around her waist. They walked quickly to me as Luna tried to hide in Damien's chest. I've never seen my brother so over the top with anyone. He's only ever cared about mom. Now though god I don't think you could pry him away from her.

"Well technically speaking we are fully mated now so you could be, but I can tell you one thing. If this is the honeymoon stage I'm never allowing it to end." Damien growled out as he pulled Luna in closer to him. Luna let go of him and quickly walked to the doors. A older couple was holding a young girls hand. She was maybe four by the looks of her. They bowed to Luna as she approached. Luna bowed slightly to them then knelt down in front of the girl. The girl smiled brightly then hugged Luna. She stood pulling the girl up with her. She tossed her to her hip making her laugh. She waved the older couple forward on as she walked back towards us with the child in her arms giggling. Once to the stage she knelt with the girl still on her hip in front of a small bowl. Luna dipped her fingers in the bowl then she drew a pentagram on the little girls forehead. Luna smiled as the blood dried slightly on the girls head.

"May you walk with the goddess." Luna said setting the girl down on her feet. The girl grinned a almost breathing smile as the breeze kicked up blowing the little girls hair. The older couple grabbed the girls hands and bowed to Luna before turning and leaving. Luna sighed before walking back in her office.

"What was that?" Damien asked me leaning over to me. I shrugged sniffing the air. I picked up small traces of Luna's blood and magic, but that's it.

"That love is a blood blessing. My blood, moon water, and some herb all mixed in that bowl. Every morning I ask the goddess to bless the mixture. I only use that magic when it's something serious. That little girl is very sick. She comes in here every week for a blessing before she goes for treatment. Some days, like today, are better than others. Which reminds me." She whipped her hands on a wash cloth setting it by the bowl as she spoke. She quickly walked over to another much larger bowl dipping her hands. She walked back to us placing a hand on either of heads.

"Walk in her light." She whispered. She pulled her hands away rubbing the water into her hands whispering something softly under her breath. I raised a eyebrow to her.

"Basic blessing for entering the temple. Pay attention here Damien. This will be one of the many things you'll do to help me out around here. It's simple and basically anyone could do this blessing." She said grabbing the plate from me. She sat down quickly eating while keeping a eye on the door.

"Do you ever get a break?" Damien said looking around. No one else was in here except us, but she was on high alert looking for someone. She smiled looking at us.

"I don't work weekends. I can close the door anytime after noon. If something pulls me away like an emergency I never know when I'll be home." She said rising to her feet. She had barely eating. She looked around the temple like she heard something. She ran to the doors quickly hiding beside the opening as Mary and Frank walked into view. Frank wasn't even all the way through the door when she screamed and ran at him. Frank jumped then threw himself in her arms.

"Luna I've missed you." He squealed even though he had saw her yesterday. She squeezed him into a tight hug. He giggled a little as she roughly threw him to her hip. She bowed to Mary smiling as she acted like she was going to drop poor Frank.

"Seeing her with kids makes me want her to have my kids." Damien whispered to me. Luna was walking towards us smiling a smile that almost took my breath away.

"You want to stay here and help sissy with work?" Luna asked the giggling boy. She started skipping towards us bouncing him around as she went. He was laughing so hard by the time they reached us he had hiccups.

"I thought your mean mate was going to help you from now on?" He whispered through hiccups. I laughed at Damien's face. He looked completely upset by the boys comment.

"Sissy promises he's better now. Try introducing yourself to him now." She whispered as she blew into his face. The hiccups stopped as she did it. She set Frank down. He eyed her a second making her nod. He turned and slowly approached Damien like he was a ticking time bomb. Luna motioned for Damien to kneel. Damien stared at Luna like lost her mind for a hot minute. She flicked her wrist downwards. Instantly he knelt in front of Frank.

"I'm Frank. Luna is my big sister. It's nice to meet you." He said forcing a smile onto his little face. Damien didn't miss a beat he picked Frank up placing him on his hip like Luna had him. Luna sucked in a deep breath with her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry I scared you before. I'm Damien. I'm Luna's mate." Damien said softly. I smiled and looked up at Luna. Who had fallen to the pew holding her heart smiling.

"Okay I'm in love officially. I think my ovaries just exploded." She said laughing softly. Damien stilled for a moment as Frank poked him. He looked Luna up and down before setting Frank down gently. He walked over to Luna picking her back up to her feet staring at her in her eyes.

"You're just now falling in love with me?" He asked while smirking. She scoffed eyeing him up for a challenge.

"Keep dreaming blood sucker." She said lowly. He flashed his fangs at her smiling. He tilted his head looking at her funny.

"Sissy what are ovaries? And why did yours just explode." Frank asked pulling at her dress. Her eyes snapped to his quickly then back to Mary.

"Oh dear. Let's put a pin in it. How about helping me close up. I don't have another appointment until tomorrow morning." Luna said quickly pulling the boy to the doors. We all followed her. Frank and her closed the doors quickly. They were huge doors and Luna acted like she couldn't push them without Franks help.

"You are still staying with Mary until the ceremony okay." Luna said pushing him towards Mary. He pouted but Luna kissed his cheek and whispered something in his ear before running after Mary. She reached out and grabbed Damien snaking her arm around his waist. She whispered something in his ear making him growl. He threw her over his shoulder and was gone. I am literally losing my best friend to my brothers dick. Life is too cruel sometimes.

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