My Dreadful Duty

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The last couple of days I stayed to myself or I was with Alec. He never really left me alone after the other night. He refused to let the best friend he ever had slip through his finger tips, his words exactly. I avoided Damien like he had the black plague, after the first day it was easy, because he got the hints and left me alone. Tonight was going to be hard because Alec had left to meet someone for James and wouldn't be back until tomorrow sometime. I had been sleeping in his bedroom so I wouldn't be alone. I also talked to James about Mary, I bought out her contract from him, and I hired her as my personal maid. I informed mom when I did it and she already has a house that has four bedrooms and three baths set aside for her. Mary cried that day, because I explained to her that once she came with me her son and grandson couldn't be touched by a trapper. I told her that her grandson could play with Frank, Lilly's brother, who was six since he was always around me when I was home. I gave her the today off so she could be ready for us to leave. Alec had brought breakfast before he left so I wouldn't have to leave the room just yet.

It was well after dinner now and I haven't left the room once. I cleaned Alec's room, made the bed before reading a some. I had lost all track of time. My stomach was growling from the lack of food. So I figured it should be safe to go down to the kitchen and get something to eat. I walked out of the room straight into the hallway. I passed Damien's room and mine before I heard a door open behind me. I ignored it and continued walking through the house quietly to the kitchen. The kitchen was huge compared to the dinning room. I sighed and flipped the lights one. I walked quickly to one of the many ice boxes opening it to find so many different fruits. I opened the next to find meets the next was blood. I opened the fourth one to find leftovers from the last couple of meals. I began looking through the dishes trying to find something I might like to eat. "I'd suggest the lamb chops we had tonight. The cheif did a really good job on preparing them." I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around holding my chest to see Damien sitting on one of the tables in the middle of the kitchen closest to me. I rolled my eyes turning back to looking through the leftovers. "Go away Damien." I said dryly. I found some roasted potatoes with some beef tips stewed together. I pulled it out, since it wasn't alot left. I took the top off and walked over to the sink to find the dishes that were washed. I grabbed a fork before walking to the table closest to the door. I sat the food down and leaned my arms on the table to eat. "Luna I just want to talk to you." Damien said sounding almost desperate. I took a couple of bites thinking of how I should handle this. Alec told me that the best way to handle this was disinterested and almost cold to the fact that he hurt me. "You don't need to though. I get it, it was fun, but it wasn't anything special." I said before taking another bite. This was actually really good even cold it was amazing. It was evenly season and cooked. The meet wasn't dry nor were the potatoes.

"Is that how you feel? That it was just nothing?" He sounded upset, and closer to me. I was almost done eating when he said that. I sighed before turning to face him. "No that is not how I feel. I feel angry. I feel hurt, but most importantly I feel like I was stupid to believe it was something. You sure do know how to let a girl down easy, huh?" I said pouring all of my pain into my words. My feelings seemed to be too much for him, he took a step back. Tears burned the back of my eyes, but I refused to let him see me cry. "Luna everything you felt, I felt. I loved every minute of it. I want you and only you, not even for the sex. It's hard to sleep without you now, it's even harder not to break Alec's door down when I am sitting by it listening to you cry." He said stepping closer to me where he was almost touching me. I couldn't stop the tears this time.

As soon as the first tear slide down my face he had me in his arms. I was completely out of it as I cried into his shirt. I was being carried out of the kitchen was all I knew. I looked around to see him walking into my room. He laid me down on the bed before walking to the other side and slid under the covers. He the reached around me grabbing the remote. He turned the TV on before flipping through the channels until he found Family Guy. He set the remote down beside him before pulling me into his chest. I had stopped crying so I stuck my finger nails into his chest until I felt him flinch away from my hand. "I deserve that." He said into my hair. I did it again earning a nodded from him. I lifted my knee up to knee him somewhere sensitive. "Now your pushing your luck love." He said grabbing my knee and pushing it away from him. "I hate you still." I growled. He laughed pulling me closer into him.

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