Painful Endeavors

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^^Luna's wedding dress above ^^

I woke up well after lunch, by Rebecca coming into the room and setting a plate my the bed. Mary had taken Luna's lunch to her so I could sleep. Frank was down stairs when I finally came down. He played with another boy a little younger than him. I sat on the couch watching them run about screaming about some sort of game they were playing. I heard a car pull up and Rebecca came running into the living room with Mary behind her. "Who is it?" I asked. Mary grabbed the little boy that was playing with Frank. She turned and looked at Rebecca. "Mary I'm sure my daughter will be fine for the rest of the day. You can leave through the side door. Frank room now." Rebecca ordered. I went to the door figuring it must be my family if the human smelling people had to leave. It's not like mom or dad would hurt them, but Damien went back to being unpredictable. I opened the door right before dad could knock. He looked at me confused as Rebecca came to stand behind me. "Security cameras. Apparently Luna is anal about this kind of stuff. I can show them to their rooms." I said turning to Rebecca. She nodded before turning to go upstairs where Frank had ran.

I showed them to their rooms and let them get settled in. When they came upstairs Rebecca forced Damien to promise not go after Frank. When he did Frank came back downstairs to play with some of the toys scattered on the living room floor. They asked if they could see Luna, but Rebecca told them she would be home soon enough. She apparently had some catch up to do on here appointments since she left early yesterday. Rebecca was currently cooking dinner while Damien and I sat on the couch watching the news. Rebecca's phone rang causing her to turn the heat off to the stir fry she was working on. Damien turned to me wiggling his eyebrows again. "So where is your girlfriend?" He asked smirking at me. I groaned not trying to answer his question. I heard something crack causing me to jump up and turn to look at Rebecca. Her face was full of shock, I looked around still confused on what had cracked. On the floor beside her laid her phone. Tears started rolling down her face as she yelled Luna's name and took off running out the door. Everyone looked around before following her.

We followed her to a clearing just outside of town. We met four other people who were staring at something no even caring that we had arrived. In the clearing stood a hundred or so wolves staring towards a girl not very far from them. That's when it clicked that the girl they were staring at was Luna. She wore a all white dress and cloak. She looked like a damn angel standing there. Storm clouds blew in quickly with high winds, but her cloak never flew away or moved her dress roughly. A younger man stepped out from the crowd walking closer to Luna. I tried to move so I could stand by her, but a invisible barrier blocked me from getting any closer to her. "Are you the one who killed my father?" The young man asked with narrow eyes. Luna nodded to him causing growls to ring through the air. "Then you have sealed your people's doom." He said angrily. Luna just scoffed at him. She took a couple steps closer to him. Her mom fought trying to get passed the barrier. "Your father said something like that. He didn't fair to well against me. So I'm going to give you the option to turn around and leave now before I am forced to send you your gave next to your father." She said calmly. The man smirked before rolling his eyes to her. "And why would I believe you could do that before one of us ripped your head off?" He asked looking her up and down. She laughed a low and chilling laugh, that almost made me sick. "You see we bind our high Priestess's magic to our five leaders, so she can never fully step out of line. Before I faced your father I broke that tradition, because our leaders know what I had to give up to get this rank. They trust me with enough magic that could very well destroy this planet. So I think wiping a couple of hundred wolves out will be just a cake walk." She said waving her hand around. He didn't believe her I could tell. He turned to some of his men and nodded. Five of them broke from their ranks towards her. Lightning struck lighting up the sky. She was gone when the sky went dark. I looked around trying to spot her. Four of the wolves fell instantly after the lightning struck, but the last man was fighting against something holding onto his neck. He eventually fell lifeless to the ground. Lightning struck again lighting up Luna's face. She had blood dripping from her mouth and neck, and her once white dress was stained red with blood. When the light faded her eyes flashed red before turning back into her normal color. She turned to look at the rest of the men.

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