In The Air

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I was woken up to my bedroom door creaking open, but when I opened my eyes to look at the door it was still closed. My eyes were pretty much closed when I saw a figure at the foot of my bed with glowing red eyes. I shot my eyes back open and sat up in my bed. The hell was that it was gone. Was my mind playing tricks on me or was there really someone in here with me. I kept trying to tell myself that it was just a figment of my imagination, but my heart beat was still so fast. A movement in the corner of the room caught my eye causing me to jerk my head to where I had saw it. Which was a horrible idea because there was nothing there, and who ever that was in my room had me pinned down with my head held down facing away from them. The collar I had on was ripped off causing me to whimper. Then my head was turned to look up at them. I froze, staring down at me was Damien with a smirk. His hand shot up and covered my mouth while his other hand held my hands over my head. "Shh we don't want to wake anyone do we. Now I am going to give you a reason to respect me." He said leaning down to whisper the last part into my ear. He quickly shoved something into my mouth making it impossible for me to scream. His hand that was covering my mouth slowly ran down my side, he smiled as though he was some sick pervert. His hand stopped on my hip before slipping his hand into the crock of my back. He pulled my small body against his larger cold body. I whimper into the thing in my mouth, I tried to push him away. I tried so hard to fight against him, but he was so much stronger than I was. He slowly let his lips slide down from my ear to my neck. He kissed the place where the pulse was strongest. I froze he wouldn't, I wasn't a blood slave I was a pet. We didn't get fed on right, but I heard the lies in my own words. Right as I had thought he was bluffing his mouth opened and he bite into my neck. At first I felt nothing, I was so happy because he hadn't bite me. Then the pain hit me it was almost like my blood was being boiled. I struggled against him but it seemed only to excited him. Before long I was too tired to fight him, but when I gave into him this feeling of pain changed to pressure. It went from being so painful I was crying to my body acting on its own and pushing farther against him.  His body stilled, then he pulled away from me, causing to whimper more. He looked down at me with a tight frown  my blood dripping from the corner of his lips. His eyes locked with mine as my own eyes fluddering open and close. The last thing I remember before falling into a deep sleep was him sighing and pulling the thing out of my mouth. He pressed it against my neck before sighing again. My eyes grew too heavy to keep them open. I slipped away as I felt the bed dip as his presence left.

I was woken up to the woman from yesterday day. "Sir Alec would like you to have breakfast with you." She said helping me out of the bed. My body was tired and felt like I had been drugged. Then last nights memories came back to me, my hand flew up to my neck to feel nothing there. There was no wound, no scab. It was like it never happened. "I'm sorry about what I said yesterday, I was just very upset." I said to Mary, I believe James said her name was. She relaxed after I  told her that. "It's fine honey, but next time please understand I am here to help you. I am a friend I promise, my daughter was a pet once so I understand how you feel dear." She said smiling at me. I allowed her to get me ready without anything mean or bad, said or done. She walked me through the house to a door that lead to a garden, even at night it was still beautiful. I didn't let myself think about the events that happened last night. Mary bowed to Alec, he dismissed her and pointed to the chair across from him. He didn't look up from his book until I was seated.

He looked up and instead of looking me in the eyes he looked at my neck. "How?" He said finally looking up to meet my eyes. I raised a eyebrow at him having no clue what he was talking about. He sighed and set his book down. "Last night Damien came into my room smelling strongly of you and your blood. He told me what he had done and how he thought you were dead because of how weak your pulse got. I had him go clean up as I went to your room I got there to see you pale with blood dripping from your neck. I cleaned the wound up, and I was just about to heal you when I noticed that it was already healed for the most part. I helped it along a bit so no one would know so I could talk to you about it. Only supernatural beings can heal like you were healing last night. So I must ask what are you and why are you pretending to be human?" He said looking at me with a mix of worry and anger. I looked at him like he was crazy before standing and walking over a little bit deeper into the garden. I was human, that's what they told me. My name was June and I was a human girl that is twenty years of age. I felt weak, before I could fall I sat down on the ground and placed my head between my knees.

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