Into The Rabbit Hole

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I was waiting for Alec to tell us, that mom and I could enter. We had talked it out they both thought it was a good idea I tell everyone who I was so I could unbind my powers and protect myself while trying to figure this thing out with Damien. Alec poked his head out the door to let us know it was okay to come in now. It was dinner time so Alec went in to tell James that mom had to speak to him. Apparently mom had skipped the last couple of meals since she found out I was here. Mom and I walked in standing tall as she held my hand. James and Alice looked at Rebecca worry clear in their face. Mom stopped us just in front of the table. "James, Alice I think June would like to tell you something." She said smiling at me. Damien glared at me as though I was about to snitch on him. James and Alice looked at me confused before their eyes fell to my neck that was uncollared. "June where is your collar?" James asked looking at him boys for a hot second. I laughed before I cleared my throat and squared my shoulders. "Well James and Alice, I am not your pet. I was never meant to be sold with them human girls. My name is Luna a vampire man attacked me took my memories. I Luna Marie here unbind my magic." I whispered the last part. A breeze blew past me straight to the vampires. My hair flew up as the breeze got a bit stronger. My feet left the ground as I closed my eyes and held my arms out slightly. My hair grew out a few more inches to where it hung over my breast. Slowly I sat back down on the ground and opened my eyes. I was now wearing my blue jean shorts and a red crop top I had on when I binded my magic. My right arm was tattooed down to my elbow and my bellybutton was peirced. I heard a couple gasps and a holy shit as the breeze finally died down. I looked up to meet everyone's eyes. Smiling I bow to them then let my face fall into a smirk. "I'd like to now point out that it is nice to finally meet my mother's friends that she always spoke so highly of." I said smiling. The look on their faces was worth the month I spent as a pet.

Damien looked like he just about shit himself as he looked between me and my mom. I couldn't help the laughter that escaped from me. His eyes shot up to meet mine. He was infront of me in a second looking angry. I smirked again as I froze him in place. "Don't worry dear my blood should be out of your system by now." I paused to hear him growl and Alice gasp. "Oh right your parents didn't know you nearly killed me so sorry." I said unfreezing him. As soon as he had control of his body I was slammed against the wall behind me. He looked down at me and smirked. This time I didn't lose control when I made his blood boil. He let go of me instantly and fell to his knees. I knelt down beside him patting him on his back. "Don't worry love, I'm not leaving just yet. Someone has to teach you some manners, and figure out why I feel the way I do towards you." I lowered my head to his ear to whisper the last part out to him. I smiled before walking to join the other at the table. Once I was seated between mom and Alec I allowed him to get up. He stood wiped himself off and went to storm out. "Sit Damien." James order not allowing him to leave. He made his way back to his seat beside Alice throwing a angry glare at me. "How are you able to use your magic without chanting or saying anything like your mother?" Alice asked with wide eyes. I laughed before mom nodded to me. "Well when I started training I already had control of my magic with simple word commands. As my parents trained me I grew to where I didn't have to say a word to use my magic. Which was very helpful in a spare or fight. Before our high Priestess was murder by them damn mutts six years ago she told us that my mind and magic was very strong. She didn't even have a clue to how far my magic could actually go, so she started training me herself. When she was killed even though I still smelt like human I was able to aid the vampire and witches in the battle that sent the wolf's running." I said taking a drink of the water beside me. James looked at me as something finally clicked in his head. "You were the one who saved my sons. You were the one everyone told stories about. The one who stood on the cliff that over looked the battle. Rebecca why didn't you tell me about this?" He said looking at me like I was some sort of fairy tale. Mom laughed as she glanced over at me. "I didn't know until years afterwards. The stories died down by then, and I didn't see a point in bring her out as a hero." Mom said patting my hand. I scoffed looking at mom like she had lost her mind. "I am not a hero. Many people died that day, if I was a hero they would still be here with us." I said rolling my eyes at her. This time Alec scoffed at me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I was two seconds away from having my head ripped off when all of a sudden his head exploded. I think Damien had a stake miss his heart because of that. You killed the fighters with one blow sending the ones that were left running for the hills. In my book that count as a hero." Alec said looking at me with so much love it scared me. I could feel the tears burning the back of my eyes as I shook my head. "I am not a hero. A mass murder yes, but I'm not a fucking hero." I said slamming my hands down on the table. Mom tried to calm me down but it did little to help. If I was quicker that day dad wouldn't have disappeared. "Don't be such a drama queen. You saved our life. That at least makes you, Alec's hero." Damien said rolling his eyes. I shot out of my seat with a murderous look. "Luna calm down. Leave her alone about this she blames herself for her father being taken." Mom said trying to defuse the situation. I ignored her as I glared down at Damien. "Say another word about it and I'll give you one hell of a sun burn." I growled out to Damien. He smirked at me before lazily standing out of his chair. "Is that a challenge dear?" He said looking at me smuggle. I leaned over the table moving my head side to side looking at him as though I was a predator. "No it's a fucking promise." I hissed out before glancing down at his hand. He jerked it away as it started to burn. I sat down taking a large drink of water as I felt my heart rate flare.

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