Friend or Foe

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June's P.O.V.

I cried myself to sleep after Alec and Damien left. My brain had screamed at me when I saw Rebecca she was the person I needed to get back to, but she ignored me. She even told them that it was fine to feed on me as long as they didn't drain me. Why did I need to get back to her when she didn't even care about my well being. I don't know what time it is, but what I do know is it's cold in here. I was woken up because I was shaking. I peered around the room to find it exactly like I had left it well besides the tray of food being gone. I looked to my left to see the window open. I yawned before standing up. The sun was just coming up, but due to it being December it was still cold. I latched the window closed before a thought went across my mind. I hadn't opened the window, and I don't think Mary would have either. She said she was my friend and I believed her so I don't think she would be the one trying to freeze me. I froze as a new thought came to mind. I turned around slowly looking for his glowing red eyes. "Damien are you there?" I whispered. I didn't expect him to answer I was waiting for him to appear in front of me. I held my breath waiting for him to jump out at me, but he never did I was growing angrier by the second. "Quit playing games with me damnit. If your going to bite me hurry up and do it so I can go back to sleep damnit." I said flatly, bored of the game we were playing.

I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me before I had no air left to scream. By my closet was glowing green eyes. Before my scream was even finished the person behind the green eyes stepped out from the shadows. Rebecca stood in the center of my room now with her hands raised. A forced smile on her face she made no move towards me. "What do you want?" I asked shakily. She took a deep breath before mumbling something under her breath. I was about to ask her what she said when the door was kicked open. In my door way stood fuming Damien and a worried Alec. I sighed in relief, I smiled to myself. Alec would help me and protect me. They weren't looking at me though they were looking at my bed. I glanced over to the bed only to gasp in shock. I was still in bed having a nightmare at the looks of it. Alec quickly made his made to my side shaking me frantically trying to wake me up. Damien was sniffing around the room, like he could smell something off. When I looked back to Alec he had me in a bear hug. Then I pulled away from him. "I'm sorry I woke you, it was a nightmare of that God awful pet store. I'm okay you two can go back to sleep." I said bowing my head to Alec like I was ashamed. I tried to yell to Alec that I was right here and that wasn't me, it was like my voice wasn't with me anymore. "Alec something is off here it smells strongly of magic and her food isn't here anymore." Damien said. For once I was happy he was here. Alec sniffed around then glanced at me fearful before turning back to his brother. "Rebecca was in here earlier to check on her that could be what your smelling brother, and as for the food I'm sure Mary came and got it once she realized June wasn't going to be eating." Alec said calmly. His answer seemed to calm Damien. I tried again to scream for them to help me. Rebecca looked at me then shook her head. Alec patted my back as I nodded my head to him. Damien looked at me tilted his head sniffing the air again before following Alec out of my room. Damien looked around the room once more before pulling the door shut.

Tears began to form in my eyes as I looked at the door. I looked at the bed to see I was no longer there. "Luna breath dear, I'm not going to hurt you." Rebecca said sitting down at the foot of the bed. "What are you? How did you do that?" I asked beginning to panic. I still what did she just call me. I take a deep breath before sitting down on the floor in front of her. "I'm a witch I can do so many things like that or bigger. I'm so sorry this happened to you Luna, but I'm going to fix it." She said looking me in the eyes. I bite my lip tilting my head to the side. "Why do you keep calling me Luna, my name is June." I said still confused on why she was here. She took a deep breath before standing and placing her hands on my shoulders. I was about to speak when she started mumbling under her breath again. Her eyes began to glow as she looked into my eyes. Everything in my head became clouded and I got a headache that seemed to be try to clear the clouds away. Images of me and Rebecca standing side by side smiling started to flash through my head. Then I got images of a man looking at Rebecca with so much love it took my breath away. Then a girl my age nearly crushing me in a huge. Everything was too much I blacked out.

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