Out With The Lies

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I told Alec everything from Damien lying to him to me lying to him. I then told him about how I woke alone this morning and how I felt about it. "First off we had a meeting with father this morning. Secondly he's a dick Luna, you knew this before you slept with him. I am disappointed in you lying to me, but I understand why you did with him being my brother and you my Best friend. I want you to know I will always take your side over his, he might be my brother, but he has done me wrong too many times for me to just follow his lead blindly." Alec said as I finish my oatmeal. My thoughts went to Ray for a couple of seconds, yeah we fought, but he wouldn't have ever done that to me. He would have woke me up before leaving. I pulled out my phone a sent a quick text to him asking him what he was doing and that I was sorry leaving him on read for so long. I looked up at Alec with a big smile before sticking my tounge out at him. "Thank you Alec that helped alot." I said grinning again. Alec stood up and made sure the door was locked before coming to sit in front of me again. I gave him a look like he was crazy when he sat down. "Can I tell you a secret that no one else knows?" He asked leaning forward a bit so he could talk quietly. I raised a eyebrow at him and nodded. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed before looking at me. "I don't like women,"He paused for me for to think, but when I didn't know what he was talking about he continued. "I'm gay Luna." He whispered hotly to me. Oh my goodness he did not just say what I thought he said. I looked down at my legs then him again as it finally clicked. "Oh my God. Yes I love it. I mean whatever makes you happy makes me joyful." I said bouncing on the bed before hugging him.

Alec and I decided to skip lunch and training to have a move marathon. We watched a bunch of horror films and then a couple of the classics like the original star wars. I also find out Alec wasn't submissive he wanted to be on top and in control like a man, but he also loves cuddling and romantic things. It was almost dinner time when we decided we better get ready, which I let him dress me, because he said he knew the perfect outfit that would drive Damien insane for leaving me alone all day. Which he was right I looked amazing. I was in a grey sleeveless dress that fit just right, before it came down about two inches above my knees. With a pair of black stilettos that made my legs look even more toned than they already were. Then he helped me with my makeup which was a smokie grey eye shadow and some toner and concealer that really made my facial features pop. My hair was curled to perfection and to be completely honest I looked like a goddess. I had to take a picture I can't let this just be not seen again. I pulled my phone out and opened Snapchat. I made Alec take one of me so you could see my full body then I took like six selfies with him.

Alec of course escorted me down the the dining room. There was giggling like crazy in there, but what really cut me deep was when I saw who it was coming from. There was a blonde woman hung all over Damien, who was saying something to cause her to giggle. Every time she giggled he would smile so brightly at her. Alec gave my hand a squeeze causing me to look up at him. He looked angry and absolutely upset with what was happening in the dining room. He looked down to meet my eyes giving me a tight almost forced smile. I returned his smile with a weak one of my own. See her hanging all over him cut deeper than it should have, but I couldn't walk away now. I squared my shoulder and held my head up high as I nodded to Alec. We walked in and all eyes snapped to us. James and Alice smiled at us which we returned. I refused to meet Damien's eyes or the blonde's at that matter. Alec sat me down in front of Alice where my mom would sit before sitting down beside me. "You look lovely tonight Luna." Alice said giving me a big smile. I smiled back nodding to her as a thank you. "I'm Victoria, Damien's girlfriend. It's great to finally meet Alec's girlfriend." The blonde said smiling to me. I didn't meet her eyes as James started coughing to cover up his laughter. Alec stiffened before looking at the girl like she was crazy. My phone vibrated pulling my attention down to it instead of the bubbly blonde. "Lovely meeting you too, but I'm not Alec's girlfriend. I'm his best friend." I said in dry voice. The text was from Ray. He was throwing a party tonight and asked if I wanted to tag along. He also said Sheila would be there and that I looked fine as hell in the picture on my Snapchat story. I looked up and smiled real big to Alec. "Alec want to go to a party with me?" I asked hoping he would say yes so I could totally introduce him to my 'friends' and Ray cute gay friend. He nodded before smiling back to me. "Mind if we tag along? I haven't been to a party in years." Victoria asked giving Damien sad puppy dog face. He nodded as I looked to James who nodded also. "I think that would be a great idea you two boys need to have a little bit of fun every now and then." James said smiling at me. I didn't want them to tag along I really just wanted Damien to combust into a ball of flames before turning to ash, but now I was backed into a corner. "Yeah y'all can tag along, but I'm driving." I said standing up pulling Alec behind me. We made it to my room as fast as my short legs could carry me. I could hear Damien and Victoria leave the dining room and follow us. I walked into the room closing the door in their face before they could enter. I finally let go of Alec's hand to punch the wall.

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