Fake It, Till You Make It

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Three months later

Alec's P.O.V.

Things settled back into old habits after Luna left. Damien went back to being a complete asshole. My parents and I tiptoed around him when he would ask why Luna had left right after meeting us without a single goodbye. Her magic worked very well on hiding his memories, because he now thought she was a stuck up bitch. She had managed to erase Victoria's memories of her also, because she came back over a week later acting like nothing had happened. Damien ended up breaking up with her a second time, because it just felt wrong being around her. We found out Luna had been hurt right after returning home by a werewolf. Her mom kept me updated for a couple days after she was hurt. Her surgery went well, and her body took the healing well. Which was a relief to me when I found out she was up and doing her duties again. Dad sent a couple groups of men out to help with security right after the attack. The first couple of weeks after she left we talked and texted all the time, but as time went by she slowly stopped answering. The last time I spoke to her was a month ago when she told me she had to do something she wasn't looking forward to. When I asked her about it she just told me not to worry about it. Over a month and a half ago Damien started getting weird dreams that he couldn't remember, so he started drawing. He drew Luna's tattoo over and over again different ways each time. One of them he actually has it on a girl with long hair and a blank face, because he couldn't remember her face. He didn't know who's tattoo it was, but he did know it was a tattoo.

Rebecca had stopped by for a little bit to speak to father. I didn't know she was here until I saw her leaving. Father called me into his office with mom for something. Apparently Rebecca was here to deliver a wedding invitation. When he showed it to me I understood why he looked so grim. Luna was getting married in a little less than a week to Ray and they had invited all of us, even Damien. Mom left the room crying. Dad just looked at me with a look of disbelief. "We can't miss it. Your the maid of honor so we're going to have to watch your brother around her." He said rubbing his temples. I now understand what she wasn't looking forward to. I nodded to him before standing to leave. "Alec how about you go ahead down there and get everything squared away. Plus I'm sure Luna would love to see you. We'll be right behind you in a couple of days." Dad said before taking a large drink of whiskey. I nodded before leaving the room. I felt sick and excited all at the same time. I can't believe she didn't tell me, but at the same I understand. She probably feels guilty enough without having me make it worse.

I was packed and leaving when Damien stopped me asking me where I was going. "I'm going to see Luna for a couple of days." I said giving him a quick answer. He smiled at me before wiggling his eyebrows at me. "I don't blame you, I would so hit that too." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes before speeding off. Luna had given me the address right after she got home so I would know where to find her. I made it to a quite beautiful little farm house within a a hour. I parked my car behind another newer model car that I recognize as Rebecca's car. I exited my car grabbing my suitcase out of the back seat. I made it to the door and was about to knock when the door flew open. Rebecca smiled biggly to me as she stepped aside for me to enter. "How'd you know I was here?" I asked looking around the house. It wasn't any where near ours, but it seemed to be a home. "Security cameras. Luna has them set up all over the house. I was in my office and saw you pull up." She said grabbing my suitcase. She pulled it up the stairs leading me to the a door that had all kind of stickers from different bands. Then in the center of the door was a huge moon painted with grey paint, but you could see different strokes through the paint which made the moon look real. Rebecca opened the door and sat my bag on the bed. I looked around the room. It was half light blue and half light grey. In opposite corners was a moon and a sun. She had half her room painted day and night. The night side had her bed and two doors. The day side had everything from a vanity to a desk. On the night side was two bright red eyes that we're attached to a shadow. She had a wolf painted too, it was amazing it looked so real. On the day side were birds and dears. Then behind the desk was a tree that had amazing details. Beside the tree was a pond with koi in it, but one koi was meant to be the center of attention. Above the pond was a dragon much like the one she had on her arm. Leaning against the tree looking out over the pond stood a blonde girl smiling. I glanced to one of the windows to see hand prints framing it, but the hand prints were all different they were different shapes and sizes.

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