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Iris sat at the bar watching her two friends, Natasha and Clint try to drink each other under the table. They both picked her up from the airport and insisted they celebrate their reunion. Iris hadn't seen her friends in six months since she was in Alaska, hiding.

They met in Budapest over 5 years ago. Natasha and Clint were both hired assassins on a mission. Iris was also contracted to kill another target but since both their targets were working together the three of them joined up. Clint joked about killing two birds with one stone. Natasha was wounded during the mission and was close to death when Iris told them her secret and basically saved Natasha's life.

Now Natasha and Clint changed sides so to speak. They were recruited by the Avengers. Earth's mightiest heroes. Iris was excited to meet the rest of the team since Natasha insisted, she stay with her instead of a hotel. At first she protested but then Clint joined in. She couldn't say no to both of them.

"Come on you two," Iris said as she got up to pay the tab. "I think it's time to go."

Natasha giggled as she tried to stand on wobbly legs. Iris put her arm around her waist to support her. "I've got you." Iris reached back for her luggage and walked to the exit.

Clint staggered towards the front door and fumbled for his phone, calling for a driver to come get them. Within moments, a black Audi pulled up. Iris awkwardly opened the door, trying not to drop Natasha as she did. All three got in the vehicle while the driver took her suitcase and put it in the trunk.

The driver got in then turned around. "Hi, my name is Happy."

Iris smiled. "Nice to meet you Happy. I'm Iris."

Happy nodded and started driving. "Nat's been so excited for your visit. She couldn't stop talking about you."

Iris just nodded. Not sure how to respond. Yes they were friends but did they disclosure all her secrets. Being an ex assassin isn't something you bring up in normal conversation. Truly, the Avengers weren't your everyday normal kind of people. She did some research on the team. Each had their own special skills and strengths but none of them would be a match for her, being a vampire.

Iris was turned over 200 years ago by her ex fiancé.  When she tried to break off their arranged marriage agreement, he turned into a monster. Literally. She told him how she fell in love with someone else. At first, he tried to explain her feelings away as a childish crush. When she insisted, he became enraged. He refused to let her go. That's when she found out he was a vampire. His eyes turned black and his teeth had fangs, razor sharp. She gasped and tried to run but he was so much faster than her. He toyed with her. Letting her think she had a chance of escape. When she ran to the door, he quickly appeared in front of her, blocking her exit. She then tried the window, but he was there before she turned around. She screamed as he grabbed her by the waist, bringing her flush against his chest. He then sank his teeth into her throat. He was sucking her blood. She remembered the wetness on her neck, the sucking sound he was making. She felt the life force draining from her, slowly. Then he abruptly stopped, throwing her to the floor. Never had she felt such awful pain and then the heat in her body made her think she would burst into flames. He laughed as she writhed in pain on the floor. "What is happening to me?" she cried. He just stood over her, her blood dripping from his chin and laughed enjoying her suffering. His last words to her were, "Let's see your lover want you now. No one will ever want you." She vowed to never let any man get close to her again. She couldn't afford to. The love of her life was now long dead so she would spend the rest of her existence alone. It took her a few decades to learn how to quench her thirst and live off non-human blood. Stealing from the blood banks was the easiest thing to do but from time to time, she would hunt in the wild.

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