B1: Mist Ch.4:Enter the four sisters

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     It was almost time to leave for the festival until I saw my grandma Jinora looking into the distance from the gazebo. "Grandma Jinora," I called her. At first she didn't react. I wasn't sure if I should call her again or just let her be. She was staring so intensely that I don't even think she's aware of anything right now. Due to her status as a council member of republic city and the leader of the air nomads, I would definitely understand if she wanted to be alone.

     But I crept up on her slowly behind her and called out to her again.

"Grandma Jinora," my voice was soft but clear enough for her to hear me. When she awoke from her daze, she smiled warmly. "Oh, hello Kanna," she says. "I didn't see you there." I smile. "It's ok."

She looks over me and her warm smile turns into excitement. "Oh my goodness. You look absolutely beautiful!" Her mouth clenched. I wore my orange-red short skirted kimono with red orange and yellow make-up. And red lipstick.

     "You have grown up to be quite a young lady Kanna

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     "You have grown up to be quite a young lady Kanna." Grandma Jinora praised. "Your grandma would be so proud of you. I heard from grandma Katara that your grandma Kanna was quite a looker back in her day." I blush and smile at her words. "Was it your idea to wear makeup?" Grandma Jinora asked. I nodded. "I love drawing and designing things. So I figured why not do that on my face? I told her.

Grandma's eyes lit up like northern lights. "That's wonderful dear!" She cheered. "You have to show me your designs one day!" Before I could say anything someone else chimed in on the conversation.

"I would love to see them," they said. It was my mother Katara. She and my younger sisters were walking towards us in their kimonos and hair done for the festival. Even my mother changed out of her white lotus robe and into a white kimono dress. She looked liked a queen.

"This is the first time I have heard of you designing things," she says. That's because you're always busy. I thought. Believe me, I understand that my mom has a crucial job as a member of the white lotus. However, if our teachings are about balance, she should learn how to balance duties and family. I could say the same for grandma too but that's what grandpa Kai is there for. To remind her. My dad, however is sick. So he can't balance her out.

I put on a small smile and then continued, "well you're looking at one of my designs right now." I spread out my arms and did a short spin for everyone and they all were stunned. Mika, my younger sister, rushed up to me with excitement. "Oh my gosh Kanna, this is amazing!" Then she looks at her peach kimono with koi fish and flowers and frowns. "I'm so plain compared yours." She complains. I shook my head. "Yours is just as beautiful." I complimented her. Hope that will boost her confidence.

Yawen, my other sister, seem to be very impressed. As she walked over, she circled me. She examined every inch of the outfit. She nodded in approval. "This really is terrific." She acknowledged. "Your clothes might even rival Shiyun or Momi in Republic Villa."

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