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"She got away..." Sam said when he came back.

"What do we do now?" Clint asked us.

"Look for clues. Maybe she hid something in the house." I said, remembering my FBI training.

"Okay, this is the plan. Clint, Maddy and Bucky, you three search the house. Rhodey your going to find out what the government knows about this group, maybe you can grab Kate on the way. And I'll go see what I can find in the town." Sam said in his Captain America voice, the voice that meant business.

Sam left the house to go into the town. Clint, Bucky and I went to search the house.

"I can't believe your mom would do something like that, she seemed like a nice lady." Bucky said after a while of searching the kitchen.

"Me neither. When I get my hands on my that Bitch ..." I started.

"Maddy, she is still your mom. And when we find her, we'll put her in the Raft." Clint said.

"She'll be long dead before that." I grumbled.

"Maddy, you angry, I get it. But think about this, is she really worth it?" Clint asked in his dad voice.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay, well we can't stay here. There's a safe house a few miles from here, so let's go there. Maddy, can you pack some clothes for us?" Sam asked, I nodded and went back upstairs to pack some clothes.

Less than an hour later we were on the road. We met Rhodey and Kate and a blonde girl inside the safe house.

"Who is this?" I asked as we joined them in the living room.

"Yelena Belova, the White Widow." Clint said.

"I see you're no longer they're puppet." Yelena said to Bucky in a strong russian accent.

"I could say the same about you." Bucky bitterly said.

"Okay." Kate awkwardly said.

"Rhodey, what did you find out?" Sam asked.

"Turns out that María is pretty high up the food chain." Rhodey said.

"I've been following this group, they are actually part of this knock off HYDRA group. They just call them The All Knowing Circle to put us on the wrong path. Back in The Red Room they would call them The Voidness, these men and women were raised by HYDRA and The Red Room. By the time they were teenagers they were brought into this group and placed all over the world. They were inactive until a month ago." Yelena explained.

"How come I have never heard about this?" Bucky asked Yelena.

"Because I'm not supposed to know either." Yelena said.

"But then how do you know that?" I asked.

"Elena, I know so many things I'm not supposed to know. I'm gonna make some food, does anybody else want some?" Yelena asked. Everybody nodded their heads and Yelena went off to make the food.

"How are you holding up, Maddy?" Sam asked.

"Okay, I guess. I mean, it's a lot to process. My own fucking mother is part of some HYDRA knock off group." I said, tears stinging in my eyes.

"It's gonna be okay." Bucky said as he hugged me.

"You know you always got us." Sam said as he joined the hug.

"Oooh, group hug." Kate said and the rest also joined the hug.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"Food is ready." Yelena announced.

We all went to the kitchen to a plate of food and sat back in the living room to eat and watch some tv. Suddenly I got nauseous, I got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

"Hey, you okay?" Bucky asked as he came into the bathroom.

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