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When I awoke the next morning, I had little to no time to think about what had happened the previous night because my phone had started ringing me and when the caller ID showed that it was The Whiskey Hill County Hospital, I knew that it wasn't going to be a good day and I was right.

My heart went wild in my chest and my stomach dropped. I had a bad feeling about this, but it was much worse than what I had thought.

Remember when I said that my dad was going to work himself to death? Well, he is now in the hospital, and he is unresponsive. It had all happened so quickly.

Papa had been committed last night when he drove himself here while having a mild heart attack, and of course didn't bother to call me—or anyone for that matter. The man was made of steel, and I had always thought he would survive just about any and everything but apparently not this.

Though, I didn't miss the irony in the situation. Momma had died two years ago today and as I have said before, papa wasn't the same man he was before momma got sick. This wasn't all that surprising and if I am honest, I know he won't survive this. He had given up the fight the day momma left us.

After his arrival to the hospital, he suffered a stroke which had affected the right side of his brain and he was currently heavily sedated.


"Ms. Foremen," Doctor Springs said bringing my wandering brain back to the moment at hand.

"Yes," I nodded looking away from my papa and towards the doctor who held a somber expression on her face.

She had been the same doctor who had treated momma, so she knew the family well and even more so because we lived in a small town—everyone knew everyone and their drama.

"I'm afraid I have no good news," she said with a slight shake of her head which confirmed my previous thoughts. "The test results are not shoving improvement. If anything, he is growing worse."

"Do we have any options at this point?" I asked looking back at my papa.

The funny thing was that he looked peaceful—happy even. I knew why, it was because he was preparing to see momma in heaven soon. And as happy I was for him to be reunited with her, I was also heartbroken...I had already lost one parent and here I was losing another two years later. How was any of this fair to me?

Though, I suppose I lost papa the day momma died. We had barely spoken to each other the past three years and it wasn't by choice. Papa was just uninterested, and I couldn't blame him.

"I'm afraid not. It is only a matter of time now. It could take minutes or days even." She said. "You should say goodbye, Evie." She said softly.

I could hear the sincerity in her tone, but it wasn't helping me at all.

"Thanks," I nodded.

At this point there was nothing that I could say or do to change the situation. Doctor Springs left the room a few moments later and I sighed before setting his hand back down on the bed and walking toward the window. We were placed on the second floor, so the window overlooked the garden in the back of the hospital.

"Evie?" A voice erupted from behind me. The sound of a swarm of foots steps was heard and I turned around to see all the Whiskey brother looking at me with sad expressions.

"Shit, I forgot to call you." I said pushing the hair out of my face. "Papa drove himself here last night while having a mild heart attack. After his arrival he suffered a stroke which affected the right side of his brain. His test results are showing no improvement and...well, they say it's only a matter of time." I explained looking at my papa again.

He was grower paler by the minute, but the loom of peace was still on his face.

"I'm sorry, Evie," Wyatt said walking towards me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

"Did you know it's two years today?" I asked looking up at him with unwanted tears in my eyes. I looked away and blinked that back before shaking my head. "He will be happier with her anyways." I said crossing my arms.

"If there is anything that we can do, just let us know." Weston said.

I shook my head before responding. "It's just been me since she died, I think I'll manage." I said turning back toward the window to look out at the garden.

It wasn't a lie. Truly, papa had died right alongside my momma two years ago today. This day was long overdue. Now every year my birthday would be plagued with death and grief of both my parents.

"We may not know what you are going through but we do want to help in any way we can." Wade said moving to stand next to me to look out the window.

I appreciated the sentiment, but it wasn't helpful or received well right now. In all honesty, I just want to be alone.

"You don't understand, and I envy you because of that. I appreciate the offer but I've been taking care of myself for the past two years so I'm not interested in whatever help you might be able to offer. I'll manage just fine on my own, thank you." I said with a scoff.

The Whiskey brothers were perfect in the eyes of the towns people. They were lucky, had plenty of money, a strong business and both of their parents were alive and well. Screw them and their perfect ass lives. I didn't need their help or anyone's for that matter. I'd been managing just fine on my own the past two years; I didn't need them to step in now.

I know I am being unreasonable and perhaps rude but what was I to even say? Thanks for playing your part in working my father to death? Truthfully, it wasn't their fault. Papa had always been this way. Always working non-stop and he was as stubborn as a mule, and it had only grown worse over the past two years.

The heart monitor went off and I swung around to look at my papa. This is it; he is leaving me.

The nurse and doctor ran into the room and looked at my papa's vitals. They couldn't do anything though. He signed a DNR after momma passed. He knew that this day would come. He knew that he would leave me to fend for myself. I hadn't known about the DNR until I got here this morning and they informed me of his diagnoses.

"Do something!" Willie shouted.

"They can't, he signed a DNR order after momma died." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "He's been waiting for this moment."

There was no real need to say goodbye, he had left me on my own two years ago. This was practically a formality.

"Time of death: 1:16 PM," the nurse said before taking a step back allowing me to walk closer.

I laid my hand on papas' cold hand and shook my head before releasing a sharp breath and walking out of the room. There was nothing more to be done or said.

"I have everything in order to have the body transferred over per his instructions on his Will." Doctor Springs said softly before patting my arms and walking away.

"Can I give you a ride home?" Willie asked as he and his brothers followed me out of the hospital.

"No," I said shaking my head.

"Isn't your car in the shop?" He asked.

"I don't remember telling you that." I said looking him up and down.

I knew that he was only trying to help but I didn't want or need it.

"I went by the shop yesterday and saw it there." He explained defensively.

"Well, papa drove himself here, so I have his truck." I said holding up the keys before turning and walking way.

"Evie, wait," Willie said grabbing my arm to stop me. "Are you sure it's a good idea to be alone right now?" he asked.

"Willie, please just leave me alone. I don't have the energy to deal with this right now. I'm taking the truck back to my parents and staying there for the night. I've got to meet with lawyers and arrange the funeral and I don't need you looking over my shoulder. I don't need you or your brothers help right now. I just need to be alone." I said before turning and walking away without another word.

Maybe it was rude of me to do that, but I didn't care. Not right now anyways.

The Whiskey Brothers: WillardWhere stories live. Discover now