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Pain. It's all I felt. It's everywhere.

The doctors had managed to give me something for the pain, something mild for the time being but it wasn't just bodily pain I was feeling. It was internal as well. My heart ached, and I was concerned and worried about my baby.

And Willie is here. Willie knows that that I am pregnant now, he knows that Wyatt told me to leave when I came back two months ago.

I felt exhausted—emotionally and physically. I just needed to get everything out in the open with Willie and his brothers, and I need to make sure that my baby is okay before I fall asleep. Sleep that I so desperately want and crave.

In a blink of my eyes, everything had changed. I could only pray that it would be a good change and that Willie wouldn't hate me or push me away. I don't think that I would be able to deal with that.

All I wanted was to get back in town and talk to Willie, face-to-face, now I was lying in a hospital bed as the Whiskey brothers looked at me with faces full of concern. I hadn't wanted to cause all this concern or draw all this attention. I just wanted Willie to know the truth and then go from there, even if it meant that Willie wouldn't be in my life or the baby's.

He needed to know the truth. He deserved that.

Each brother looked at me with concern and worry etched all over their faces, even Wyatt—especially Wyatt. He looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I hated to see him like this. I could only imagine how I looked in this moment. I knew that I looked bad, I had to at this point.

Willie looked at Wyatt with nothing but disdain, and I hated to think that I was the reason for his anger. I needed to shift the blame because it wasn't Wyatt's fault, it was mine and I never should have left in the first place.

"Willie," I mumbled reaching out to grab his shirt, bunching it up in my hand.

Willie looked at me and sighed before moving closer and wrapping his arms tightly around me. He breathed in my scent, and I breathed in his—it calmed me. He calmed me and I knew that I did the same for him. I could feel him start to relax, if only a little, when he breathed me in.

"Willie," I whimpered nuzzling my nose into his neck, needing him closer—if that were possible.

"I don't want you all to be mad at Wyatt," I sighed pulling away slightly, I leaned into Willie but turned to face his brothers. "I came back before and...Wyatt and I spoke. He was right to tell me to leave and not return. I was going to stay away this time, but when I got back to Washington State, I just couldn't cope with anything. I couldn't even leave the student housing, go to classes, or even do homework. Then I got sick, and the sickness wouldn't go away. I finally gave in and went to the student clinic and that is when I found out I was pregnant." I explained looking between Willie and each of his brothers.

They listened and nodded on encouraging me to continue and for that support, I was grateful. Being around these boys seemingly boasted my confidence and I loved it. I was still a bit nervous, here and there, but I was calm and even relaxed in comparison to how I felt before Willie came into my life.

It was because they accept me as I am and where I am and I felt no pressure to be anyone other than myself...they were practically family to me, if not more than family and the look on their faces told me they saw me in the same way.

"I tried to put my life back together. I knew I couldn't come back and if I wanted the money papa left for me, I had to push through with my degree. But the morning sickness continued to get worse, and I just couldn't do it anymore, so I dropped out...I tried to get a job but nowhere was hiring and I knew that Willie deserved to at least know the truth about me being pregnant, that is why I came back." I explained, hoping and praying that it would alleviate some of the pressure resting on Wyatts shoulders.

"Had Wyatt told me that you had come back you wouldn't have spent the last two months depressed and alone." Willie growled out.

"Willie, please," I whimpered grabbing his hand in mine and holding on tightly.

The last thing I wanted was to pin him and his brothers against each other. I know how special their bond is and I know how important family is. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt their family in such a way.

"No, Evie," Wilder said stepping toward the bed on the opposite of the bed.

Wilder's expression was stern, and I could barely look him in the eyes. It was one thing for Wade or Weston to say something, but it was another with it being Wilder. Wilder was the quietest of the brothers and the least likely to start any kind of conversation or confrontation so him speaking up meant something.

"Babe, you've basically just told us that you spent two months locked up in your student housing, not taking care of yourself, wallowing in depression, all because Wyatt thought he was a fucking know it all and spoke on behalf of me." Willie nearly growled out. "I don't need you to explain any further, babe, I really don't. Because nothing is going to make this situation any better. But I swear to fuck, if something is wrong with the baby, I'll fucking kill him." Willie said making my eyes go wide.

I believe him. I believe every word.

"But—" I started only to be cut off by Willie.

"Don't," Willie said shaking his head. "Answer me this, honestly, if Wyatt hadn't have stopped you, what would you have said to me?" He asked holding my face in his large rough hands, capturing my full attention.

His brothers seemingly faded away, and the room along with them. In this moment, it was just Willie and I. My pain and fears evaporated to nothing as I looked into his eyes feeling nothing but love and sorrow—sorrow only for the pain I've caused him by leaving in the first place—and it was Willie and only Willie that mattered to me.

I wasn't sure what the future held but I knew that he wouldn't leave me...and I wouldn't leave him. Never again.

"I would have apologized for leaving. I would have told you that I only left because I was scared of my feelings. I don't want to let you in only to lose you. That is why I left, because I was afraid and not because I don't have feelings for you. I do have feelings for you, Willie, and it scares the shit out of me." I admitted with hot tears slowly rolling down my face.

"Then the conversation is over, Wyatt is an asshole, and I'm not letting you out of my sight again because I fucking adore you babe." He said before capturing my lips in a demanding kiss.

He pulled away a few moments later and stared dead at Wyatt as if expecting him to say something. Wyatt looked between each of his brothers before running his hands roughly through his hair.

The Whiskey Brothers: WillardWhere stories live. Discover now