Family Dinner

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Wanda wasted no time in guiding me to the dining room and helping me sit down next to her.

"I can't believe I finally have a grandbaby on the way," she gushed with glee and I couldn't help but smile at her.

I could tell that the whole family was rather excited about the news and for some reason that relaxed me.

"Let me get your plate," Willie said taking the empty plate from in front of me and loaded up with mashed potatoes, meatloaf, green beans and a fresh warm roll before placing the plate in front of me and making one for himself.

"Willie, you can say the prayer tonight." Walter said as he placed a full plate of food in front of his wife before making one up for himself.

Seems that Willie took up after his father and though I wasn't used to being dotted on like this, I was also loving it.

"Okay," Willie said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me and my chair closer toward him.

"God, thank you for bringing us together. Thank you for keeping my girl safe and thank you for the little bundle of joy growing inside her stomach. Amen." Willie said before leaning toward me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

I blushed; I couldn't help it. I could hear his brother snicker at the display of affection that Willie showed me, and I felt myself drawing further and further into myself.

"Did you know, frogs can hold their pee for up to eight months?" I spouted before I could stop myself.

Instead of getting embarrassed, I started laughing and the rest of the table joined in.

"You know, Evie, you are family now. Like, for real, for real." Wade said. "We aren't trying to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. It's just that seeing Willie all doe-eyed and gaga over you is different for us. Man has never even had a girlfriend."

"Like you have!" Wyrn laughed and the rest of the table joined him.

"None of you have had a girlfriend before." Wyatt scoffs.

"Well, at least we get laid!" Weston laughed.

"Fuck off," Wyatt mutters and I sense his mood has shifted a bit by his brother's statement.

I feel for him. I don't know what it is about him, but I feel for him. It's a sense of feeling out of place, unbelonging, which shocks me considering he is the glue that holds his brothers together.

They all idolize him, even Willie who seems to have melted his previous ill feelings towards him the second we stepped inside the house. Wyatt doesn't see it, and of course he doesn't, but his brothers look up to him and they would be lost without him.

"Boys!" Wanda scowls at them. "You know better than to talk like that at the table." She chastises them but does so with a smile on her face. Though, I have a feeling that this is common behavior between them, and they only lightened up in the beginning because I am—was—an outsider.

"Mom, this morning I walked in on you and dad fucking on this very table. You can't honestly be scowling at us." Wilder said throwing his hands up.

My mouth falls open slightly as I look from Wilder to Wanda who rolls her eyes only confirming his revelation. Damn, got to hand it to this woman. She birthed all six boys and maintains a happy marriage and active sex life. Goals.

"Oh my god!" Wyrn shouts jumping up from his chair and backs away from the table as if he saw a bug. His reaction is so funny that I must put in effort to refrain from laughing, Wanda doesn't though. She snickers under her breath and shakes her head at the boys.

"Boys," Walter sighs, though I can tall he gives no fucks. Again, goals.

Walter smiles at me and winks at his wife before he continues to eat his food.

"I'm assuming the table has been cleaned." Wyatt said with a shrug.

"Oh heavens, you boys will be the death of me." Wanda groans before sending me a knowing smile.

"If Evie wasn't here, you'd be laughing your ass off right now." Wade said with a roll of his eyes.

"This is true," Willie said with a laugh.

I watch as Wyrn sits back down at the table and starts shoving food in his mouth while keeping his eyes down cast clearly a bit traumatized. The rest of the brother's banter with one another while Wanda and Walter tease them.

I find myself smiling and laughing and even joining in with them. I can't remember the last time I felt like this, and I don't want this feeling to ever go away. I have a feeling that with Willie it never will.

I place my hand on his thigh under the table before giving it a soft squeeze. He stops talking to Wade and turns to me with a smile on his face. A smile so bright that his eyes light up and a joy sparks in me, a joy I don't think I've ever felt before. But it's deeper and stronger than joy...its more and it has everything to do with this man next to me.

"Thank you," I whisper to him as a tear runs down my cheek.

He pulls me into an embrace after wiping the tear away and whispers, "Always, my Evie. Always." He pulls away and smiles at me as I finish eating my food.

I'm falling so deeply for this man.

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