In Charge

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I walked through the distillery in search of Willie.

It had been two days since we had our first date. Two days of pure bliss.

Deep down, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I keep thinking that Willie is going to turn around and tell me that it was just some fucked up joke and that he doesn't in fact love me. But he hasn't and he won't.

I know that.

But, I'm scared.

My feelings for him have grown deeper since my return to Whiskey Hills and Willie has surpassed every expectation I ever had imagined, and I honestly can't believe that this is my life now.

It's been surreal and I have loved every minute of it.

"Hey, sis," Wilder said walking up to me with a smile.

"Hey, bro," I smiled wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"Came to see Willie?" he asked guiding me through the storehouse.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"I am happy for the two of you," he said with a nod.

"Wilder, I want to thank you for having my back. What you said in the hospital really hit me hard. I know you might see yourself as a freak or something, but you aren't. Even before Willie and I started this...relationship, you were always the one to wave to me and say hi and I appreciate it more than you know." I said grabbing his arm.

"I always saw how Willie looked at you. Being the quietest brother has its perks and it means I'm extra observant. I knew he cared about you, and I knew that you felt something for him to." Wilder explained.

"Well, I appreciate it." I smiled at him. "And I've noticed that you haven't really been yourself lately. I know how much you love your art and working here isn't really helping you move forward in that area. I mean, I know you value your role here with your brothers, but it doesn't mean that you have put your dreams on hold. Whatever those dreams may be."

"I know, trust me, I know. And I know that my family would be supportive but...I just don't know yet." Wilder said running his hand down on his face.

"Whenever you need someone to talk about it with, let me know. I've always got you back." I said with a smile.

"Thanks," he smiled back before bringing me into the breakroom where Willie stood talking to a few of the workers.

"Babe," Willie said stopping what he was doing and smiling at me.

"Hey," I waved still standing in the doorway.

I felt a wave of awkwardness roll over me as I noticed it looked as if he was in a middle of a meeting of sorts.

Wilder must of noticed as he stood next to me in the doorway because he kissed the crown of my head and pushed me towards my man.

"Everyone, this is Evie Foreman, who you know as Mikes daughter. Evie is my girlfriend and my baby mama." Willie said moving away from the semi-circle and towards me quickly before pulling me into his arms.

The guys looked between him and I and started wooing and cheering.

It was clear that Willie was a proud man and that seemed to settle the restless feelings that still lingered within my mind.

"I missed you, babe," he whispered before placing a quick kiss on my lips and wrapping his arm around my waist.

I took my place tucked into Willie's side and smiled up at him before turning to look at the men in the room watching us with smiling faces.

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