Two Months Later, Part II

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Two months. Two months since I last saw or even heard from him.

Deep down, I think I was being unreasonable whilst hoping that he wouldn't let me leave Whiskey Hills, but he didn't stop me, and I can't blame him for that. I thought he might call, text, email, or even show up...but he didn't. And I honestly couldn't blame him that either.

I had done this. Me. I made this bed for myself and now I had to lie in it. I had to face it by myself—alone—because I was too stubborn and too scared to admit my true feelings and's too late.

He gave me the space I asked for. He left me alone just as I asked, and I fucking respected the hell out of him even more for that.

Is it fucked that I didn't want him to listen to what I wanted? Undoubtably. Is it wrong that I want him to chase after me? Yes, it is, I know, it is.

I've got to be fucked in the head or something.

Willie knew what I needed but he gave me what I wanted instead all because I asked him too. I'm grateful but I'm also pissed, and I'm not mad at Willie, I am mad at myself. I did this to myself. I ruined everything before it even started. I was selfish and now I have to reap the consequences of my actions.

So here I am packing up my shit box of an apartment, that is surprisingly much smaller than my apartment in Whiskey Hills, for the second time in two months. Yeah, this is the second time I've done this.

I had done this before only to fall short when a roadblock showed up, but I am not about to let it happen again. I had things to say, and they would be said if it was the last thing that I ever did.

Luckily, I had only brought two suitcases with me since the place came fully furnished to begin with. Everything else I owned was in storage in Whiskey Hills. I hadn't yet secured a place to stay back home but I didn't really care to think that far ahead, I could get a hotel or something if needed. The first thing on my agenda was talking to Willie even if he didn't want to talk to me.

Truthfully, I hate it here.

Back when I lived on campus I liked it, or so I thought, but this time around it is complete garbage. My classes had been complete shit and I wasn't even learning anything. Mostly because I couldn't focus no matter how hard I try.

So, this morning, I went to retention and dropped out, again. I didn't care about the money dad had left; I didn't want it. I want Willie and I need Willie.

All I did was think about Willie and his family. I made a mistake...a big one. One I don't think I can fix, but I have to try. I have to at least talk to Wille. I have to tell him how I really feel. I have to tell him the truth.

I had tried to return home before. About a week after I arrived, I stopped fighting myself and packed everything to return to Willie...if he even would take me back. I drove all the way to Whiskey Hills and pulled up at the Whiskey Estate. Wyatt was there and everyone else was out at the time.

My heart aches just thinking about it...

"What are you doing here, Evie?" Wyatt asked walking out onto the driveway and right towards me. I hadn't even made it five feet away from my truck before he appeared.

"I'm here to see Willie, is he around?" I asked feeling hopeful only for the look on Wyatt's face complete smash all hope I'd manage to hold.

"No," Wyatt said crossing his arms across his chest. Wyatt glared at me and scoffed. "You came all this way to what? Cause my brother more unnecessary pain?" he spat.

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