Chapter 1

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Fiction presents:
Blood Wolves

Genre: Werewolf, yandere, dark

Story Pov: you

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I looked at him. A guy is wearing all black. A loner. People call him crazy. Students left the classroom, but not him. Neither did I. I was too busy making characters for my books. I packed my stuff when the most people were gone. I glanced at the guy. "You know you're allowed to go away, right?"I say. "I know," replies the guy. "You're Fillip, right?" I ask. "Yes." "I'm [name], nice to meet you." The guy didn't react. "If you have time, could you teach me about werewolves? I need some information about them, "I say. I glanced at my book. "Sure. I'll find you after school." He replies. I smiled and left the classroom.

My eyes slowly open. I see a fire burn not too far from me. I hear soft sounds of the wind.

"Look at that, boys. She's waking up!" The voice sounds faint. My head is spinning, and it hurts so bad! My hands are tied around a high pole of at least 10 feet. The ground is harsh, and I'm still surrounded by the forest.

"Took you long enough," says another voice. My sight is blurry, and I am sure it isn't Fillip.
"Fillip?" I speak softly.

"She knows the hunter."
"Of course she does stupid!"

I groan, and I sink back and close my eyes again, hoping the pain will drift away.

"No, no. Stay awake, princess, we got some stuff to discuss!"

A hand grabs neck, forcing me to sit up. I look into two blood-colored red eyes. The person before me is a male. He has a strong, muscled body beneath his black clothing. His hair is black as the night, and he has piercings in his ear. His aura feels very dangerous.

"By love of God, Anton! How hard could you smash against her head? She's nothing good to us if she's pretty much brain-dead!" Growls the male. I glance behind him. There are four other male. All young and handsome and... dangerous.

The young man, who was addressed as 'Anton', looks offended at the black haired male but doesn't say a word beside some ununderstandable murmurs.

"Connor, be nice," growls another man who looks exactly Anton but older.

"Let's take a look." Suddenly, a hand grabs my chin, not brutal but not gentle either. "Your face is so soft against my hand. It would be a shame if it was ruined, "he says. His eyes turn from brown to red. His nails grow. I can feel adrenaline rising in me. Suddenly, it feels like I'm awake. It all seems to become clear.


Oh god

"W-where is Fillip? Did you kill h-him?" I ask. "My, my... what an angelic voice"grins the man, showing his sharp teeth. The man with piercings in his ear grins. "He is still alive... for now." "Both of you, you're scaring her! Out of my way, let me handle this, "says a young man with brown hair. Unlike the others, he isn't transformed yet.

The two back away, and the handsome young man bends down to my level. "Let me introduce ourselves. My name is Fabian, over there is: Connor." He points at the scary male with black hair. "These are Aston..." A male with serious face and blond hair.

"...Clayton..." The young man who grabbed my chin.

"...and Aiden." He pionts at a young man with long black hair in the shadows.

"And you are?"
They all stare with me with blood red eyes. "Where is Fillip?"
"It would make it so much easier if you'd tell us your name," he mumbles with a smile.
I can feel the tension swelling up.

"F-Fillip?" Is the only thing I can get out. "Fear... I smell fear, "says the man named Aiden. "We don't have all night, little angel. If you make this easy for us, we are going to make it easy for you."

I'm not able to speak a word out. "Alright, enough of this."
Connor walks up to me and grabs my neck, slowly choking me. "Listen, princess. We are going to ask some questions and you are going to answer!"
"Easy there, Connor. King Hendrick wants her alive, "says Fabian. "What? Why?"
"I don't know, ask your daddy. He is the king, isn't he?" Says another male. He walks to us. He is tall and muscled, and his face shows pure annoyance.
"Shut up, Kane!"
"Or what? Will you go whine to your daddy?" Connor, let's go of me, and his hands transform into claws, and his teeth become sharp. The new man also partly transforms. They growl at each other, ready to tear each other apart.
"Enough, brother!" A young man with curly brown hair also joins the group.

Jesus, it's getting confusing... who is who?

"Father dearly requested you wouldn't kill anyone," he says. The brown-haired man is calm, and the aura around him is different. He has gentle features. "So you better make up already."

The man glances at me. His gaze is soft, and I may even see... pity.

Suddenly, I hear a painful scream.

That's Fillip!

Suddenly, all my senses tense up. "Oh, it seems they already started," says werewolf next to me, Clayton. "Started what?" I ask with a shaking voice.

Clayton comes awfully close to me. I can feel his breath in my neck. Giving me shivers down my spine. "You see, human. Hunters are so stubborn. The only way to retrieve information is by torturing." Connor chuckles. "That's what we are going to do if you're not going to talk."

"Torturing me?"
"Torturing is such an ugly word. We like the call it the 'traditional way'."

"What's wrong? You are shaking, you aren't scared, are you?"
"What could you possibly w-want from me?!" I see their wicked grins.

They like this. They like me being scared, they like to torture, they like toying with me! Tears are coming up, but not from sadness. It's from fear, anger, and regret. "Come on, little angel. Cry all you want..." Clayton mouth almost touches my ear. "'s not going to do anything."

I never wanted to smack someone as hard as I want now. "What kind of nonsense is this?"
A young man with a soft, angelic voice comes to us. "King Hendrick," the werewolves say and make free way for their king. He looks ordinary. You wouldn't suspect he's a werewolf or a father. He is young, very young. But on the other hand he could be hundreds of years old.

"You all acting like a bunch of puppies! Did your mothers not learn you not to play with your food."
"I'm sorry, my king." All the werewolves bow except for the soft brownhaired man and Connor. The king looks disappointed at his son. Then Hendrick turns back to me. He bends down to my level, his finger gently swiping away a tear that I didn't even know it had fell.

"Such gentle features. An attractive face..." I feel uncomfortable by his touch and turn my head away, but he grabs my chin, forcing to look him in the eye. "... And such gorgeous eyes."

"What a shame I might need to ruin that..." It's quiet, I can only hear my heartbeat and the breathing of the many werewolves.

"I can do two things with you. The first one is that you are going to answer our questions properly. Or... we make you tell us."
"I-I don't know anything! I swear! I swear..."

The king sighs. "Such a shame..."

His eyes follow from my neck to my shoulder. And unbearable pain takes place in my shoulder. His teeth bring in like a nail in wood. Blood covers my shoulder and I can feel myself drifting away as I feel my blood being sucked away...

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