Chapter 3

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I look horrified before me. I see Fillip chained to a pole in the middle of the tent. He stands in a puddle of blood, his skin soaked under the red liquid. He has bite and claw marks all over him.

But not only that. He has wolf ears on his head, his teeth are sharp, and his hands are claws.

H-hes, one of them...

"[N-name]..." he says weakly. Despite his nature, I walk to him. "Fillip," I whisper. Now I'm closer. I see how much he's suffering, practically bleeding to death.
"What did they do to you..?"
"[Name], I need to tell you something important," he says. I glance behind me. The three werewolves stand there. Bored and uninterested, not caring at all, that one of their own kind is dying a painfull dead.

I come closer to him. "Key."Key? What key?" I ask. "No, J-Johannes Key," he says. Just as I want to ask furthur, his eyes close and his legs collapse. The chains are the only thing that keeps his from falling.
"Fillip? Fillip!" I shake him, but he doesn't react. My hand slips to his bloodied neck. There is nothing.

N-no pulse? Fillip is d-dead?

I sink to my knees. "You killed him..."

"He killed himself. He betrayed his own kind, "says Connor without any pity. "And you will be next if you don't give us what we want."
He grabs my neck fiercely and drags me back up. He pushes me forward back to the exit.

"Y-you can't just leave him there!"
I struggle in his grip. The reason I wanted to stay is dead. Even though it hurt me, I need to think about myself now.

Connor doesn't let go as he continues to drag me outside. After he stops walking, he pushes me to the dirty ground. I groan as I rub the painful spot on my neck.

"I'm sorry for your loss, darling. Care to take his place?" I look up at the king. I grit my teeth. "What do you mean?"
"Come on! Haven't you seen your hunter friend? You don't want to end up like him, do you, "he grins.
"What do you want to know from me?" I ask. "Who sent him?" He asks.

"I don't know. I always thought he just hunted down the first werewolf he would come across, "I say honestly. "Did you?"
"No, I didn't. I didn't believe him until earlier today when you kidnapped me."

King Hendrick doesn't seem to be pleased by my answer. He crouchs as he grabs my chin to look at him. "All right then. What was the reason you stayed here?"
"My reason just died," I say coldly to him.

"What a shame. I have never seen a human who risked her own life for a werewolf." His frown becomes quickly a smirk.

I glance at the pack. All their eyes fixed on me, a weak human that is forced to the ground. It's embarrassing.

Connor chuckles darkly as he turns to his pack. "Did you hear that? A human risking her life for a werewolf!" He yells. Some begin to laugh, and others just glare at me.

"Enough!" Yells king Hendrick. "I don't know anything, Fillip never told me anything how he did things. It's probably because I didn't want to hear it."

A werewolf walks forward, the same one who challenged Connor.
"He never told you anything? Then I shall talk. Hunters are killing our females. How are we supposed to mate and make new generations? Now they're take revenge for fucking their woman.  But they were the ones to force us to go to humanity. Do you think we like it to play nice to our food, to go to your woman and make sure they can carry our kind in their belly? Only to get pathetic half breeds!"
"Kane, that's enough," says the king again. I look at the dangerous brunette.

It explains why I didn't see any females...

The king turns back to me. "I don't like to admit it, but Kane is right. Our kind is dying. There are only just three females in this entire country. Two of them are still lost. We had no other choice but to already make a plan b,"the king admits.

Doesn't that mean..? My mind flashes back. The news reports of missing and raped women. ...It was  mostly the werewolves doing.

"Why don't we just kill the human?!" Yells somoene from the pack. More voices follow, while others argue.

I just look up. Finally, the dark sky is making place for the daylight. It felt like ages till it came up. I lie on the ground just facing the new light.

I'm so tired...

I look around me. Everyone is so busy arguing, I bet I can just slip away. 'Johannes Key'...
I need to find him!

I sit straight and crawl away to the nearby trees. All the growling and arguing becomes louder, and I take my chance to run away.

I sneak not to loud deeper into the forest, not thinking of the consequences. I begin to sprint through the large trees, I jump over huge branches.

Connor looks back at the ground. He looks around quickly ad he he's the human is nowhere to been seen. "Shut up all of you!" He growls. "The human escaped!"

I run and run. I don't have an idea  where I'm going. I can hear howling, which is my clue they know I'm gone. I sprint even harder because of the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Johannes Key I will find you!

Suddenly something pushes me aside and I head bumps against a tree. I fall on the ground with a 'thud'. I can see black wolf with red bloodthirsty eyes staring at me.

It's getting harder to breath. My head spins, my body only feels pain. I try to say something but it doesn't come out.

"I-I haven't d-done anything t-to w-werwolves", I manage to speak out. The wolf just growls at me as he comes closer.

The darkness surrounds me as I see him stransform into his humanform. Without getting a glimpse of his face...

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