Chapter 13

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Me and Jonah are hiding behind the bushes around the treeline. There is a camp and it swarms with male werewolves. Most are in the form of wolves and humans. So basically, humans with wolve ears and a tail. There is a large fire in the middle of the camp that goes at least a few meters high! Some wolves are dancing and jumping around it, while others make music. It's like they're celebrating. "Whatever you do stay out of sight", says Jonah and takes his knife, bow, and arrows. "I come and get you when the job is done." 

Before I can reply he's gone out of sight, hunting down the female in the large camp. I just watch the werewolves dance from afar. How come they haven't smelled me yet? 

I look around and see many, many tents. It couldn't hurt to take a quick look, right?

I quickly walk over to the closest tent. It's large, very large even. It's held up by wooden pillars to keep the layer of animal fur. I sneak inside the tent. The ground is covered with my many types of carpets. There is a large pole in the middle to keep the tent from falling over. There are comfortable blankets on the floor that serve as beds. There is also a small fire that keeps the room warm. It's surprisingly cozy. Suddenly, I hear some wolves howl and the music they make becomes louder. I decide to ignore it and step closer inside. There is a small box on the ground with a lock in it. I bend down and sit on my knees to take a better look at the box. It has a weird symbol on it. "Who are you?!" I turn around startled and I meet with a werewolf that sits up straight for its bed. 

A female werewolf...

The girl looks quite young, maybe seventeen? She has long brown hair that reaches over her waist and two twinkling brown eyes. There are two fluffy wolf ears on her head. The girl hides shyly a part of her face behind a blanket. She looks... scared of me. I can't help but stare at her while I can't speak a word out.

"F-Fenrir!", yells the female suddenly. Immediately I shush her by putting my hand over her mouth. "I'm not going to hurt you!", I say. The girl looks unsure as she tries to push my hand away. "My name is (name), what's yours?" I pull my hand away. The female wolf looks scared but seems to relax a little. "Mina...", she replies. "Alright, Mina. Nice to meet you." Mina seems to relax even more. "You're human... are you here to kill me?" I shake my head. "No, I'm not a hunter." I quickly stop talking as she starts to sniff at me. "You smell like a wolf...", she says surprised. "Yeah, I have been with some wolves for some time", I reply vaguely. "Really? How? I haven't seen you here before. I would have known if there was a human in the clan..." 

I take a deep breath and decide to tell her my story. I told her about Filip, how I met him, and how he got killed. "The wolf clan captured me, but I knew to escape", I say at the end of my explanation. I won't mention any names or Jonah or my bizarre adventure to Johannes Key. Mina looks at me with sentimental but it soon changes into one of worry. "Were you by any chance... in the clan of King Hendrik?", she asks. I look surprised at her. 

"How did you know?" "King Hendrik is a cruel wolf, just like his father." "His father?", I repeat. "What did he do?" Mina sits more straight and lets the blanket fall, no longer hiding from me. "He was the most cruel king the wolf clans have ever known. The prince's mother was treated horribly by his father, he would mistreat her and use violence from time to time. Not only to his mother but to other female wolves as well. He thought that as king, he could have everything he wanted. Luckily, King Hendrik wasn't like him but still... a very cruel man", explains Mina. "What did King Hendrik do?", I ask with curiosity and suspicion. I sit opposite Mina but still quite close. Mina looks at me, hesitating if she should tell it or not. But she takes her courage and continues.

"King Hendrik knew that violence wasn't the answer, so instead, of abusing wolves physically he did it mentally. He was a very good manipulator and knew how to work his charms when it came to the female wolves. They would immediately fall for him, and after he had his fun he would abandon them like lost puppies. It was when he had his first son, Connor, that he stopped and concentrated on building the clan. He left most of the wolves alone in the last decade. His second son, Liam, was born out of a human to keep the werewolf from becoming extinct. He never liked humans the slightest, never showed willingly interest either..." 

That wasn't the case with me...I think about the time we were together. He showed nothing but interest...

"That's quite the story...", I manage to say after a while. "Yeah...", says Mina. "But I don't blame him, he never knew better. His father raised him. I haven't really seen King Hendrik with my own eyes, but I heard that he also wasn't quite the father figure. Connor had to survive on his own in the clan, and so did Liam." I think about her words carefully. "He never gave me the impression he hated humans, he never really acted like that to me either..." "Did he do anything to you?", Mina looks genuinely worried. I shake my head. "I escaped before I really gave him the chance..." 

Mina perks up. "Escape? There is no escape with him, (name). Once he wants something he will get it. And I'm quite sure he won't stop until he finds you... if he already hasn't..." I frown. "What do you mean with that?", I ask a bit worried. Mina looks in a certain direction to her right, where the treeline is. "He might already be here... waiting for the right moment to snatch you back..." I look at the ground, not sure what to think or do. 

"Maybe you should stay with us." Mina smiles warmly at me. "I like to have finally a girl here, so many men can tire me out." I don't speak a word. I feel horrible... Jonah wants to kill her but Mina is so kind to me... "I don't think your clan would like that", I say. "I can't tell, these men very much like a woman's company, but I don't know if it will be enough to let you stay..." 

It's quiet between the two of us before Mina speaks again. "But I can convince them, as only girl they allow me way more than with a regular wolf. So the choice is yours, (name)..."

"...will you stay with our clan?" 

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