Chapter 7

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Before us is a werewolf. Shorter brown hair, glowing red eyes. I can recall that his name was 'Kane', and he was the one who suggested killing me. I can see the pure rags in his eyes, statlring down at us. "Liam, what are you doing?" He asks. Liam stands up, even though he isn't afraid I can sense the nervousness in him. "Gathering more wood like the king requested me to," he replies. "Oh really?" Kane says in a sarcastic voice. His eyes state upon me. "Doesn't seem like it."

I stay put, scared of his intense look. I notice Liam moves slowly closer before me, in a protecting way. "You make me sick," he growls at the other brunette. He comes close to him, practically hissing in his ear. "Just like your mother." Liam doesn't react, shows no emotion, and he glares at the sadistic werewolf. "And you..." Kane moves away and walks up to me. "...I don't know what you're doing still alive. The only way to be alive is being of use. Somoene should rape you to get a baby inside. Or perhaps he already did." I can see the clear annoyance in the werewolf his face, knowing he speaks of the king. "Go away please", I ask quietly. "What? Do I scare you?" His voice rises. "Stop, Kane. You making the poor girl scared, "says a familiar voice out of the shadow. I glare at Aiden. He betrayed and lied to me after all.

"Fuck off! You have no right to speak, loner, "Kane growls. "Both of you don't have the right to speak," he turns to Liam. They both glare at him but don't speak a weod
"You act like a bunch of puppies,  even worse: like humans! The world is a harsh and dark place. Accept it. That human" he pionts at me. "Will die. Before or after someone got her pregnant. But either way gets the same fate, "he yells. Liam and Aiden look at the ground, showing no emotion.

Why aren't they speaking up? He is insulting them.

"That will be enough." I'm startled at the voice behind me. King Hendrick.
"You are dismissed, Kane. Otherwise, I'll rip your limbs off, "he growls. Kane glares at him but takes his leave.

Liam and Aiden look at their king. "Go back to work and rest afterward..." Suddenly, the blonde smirks, and his eyes fall upon me. "We have a big day tomorrow."


I sit on the ground, pulling grass from the ground and throwing it away. I'm mad and sad, and confused. "I can't stand it here," I mumble to myself. "It smells like wet dog."
"What did you say?"
I look around startled. "Nothing," I squeak as I see Connor behind me.
"You did say something," he says. I shake my head and play with the grass between my fingers.

"I just said that I would like to go home," I say.

Technically, it isn't a lie...

"You're never going home, puppy," says Connor. "Get used to it. Because now we're going soft on you, but when I'm in lead, I will make sure it will change, "he growls and takes his leave.

I think about Filip, my heart ashes. My sight is getting blurry, my eyes getting wet.

Suddenly, someone sits beside me, and I quickly wipe my tears away. I can't seem weak in front of anyone. I see Fabian. "You know... I tried to be nice to you, "he says. It's silent. It's like he wants me to say something back. "Would you trust someone who kidnapped you and tortured your best friend?" I ask. "Touché", admits Fabian.

"So... what is your name?"
That right... I never answered the question. No one here knows my name. They just gave me nicknames. "[Name]", I reply silently. "Hmm."

"So, how are you doing?"he asks out of nowhere.

Why does he care?

"Not very good. I am grieving for my friend. People are continuously threatening me while I'm stuck here. But Liam seems... okay?"
"Hmm, the half breed. He is a gentle character, "agrees Fabian. I stare at Fabian. He looks peaceful but still feels dangerous. I don't understand what he wants or what his purpose is.

I hesitate but decided to ask. "Who is Johannes Key?" I ask. Fabian sighs. "Ask the king," he says and decides to leave me alone.

Liam finally comes to me. He made sure to take secretly some berries, my only food. But I can see that I begin to lose weight. I'm not sure how to feel about that. "Here," says Liam. "Thanks," I say and eat as fast as possible. Not even taking the time to enjoy it.
"Here," Liam suddenly whispers. "Don't tell this to anyone." He gives me a bag which feels warm. I take a look.

"Oh, thank God! Thank you, Liam!" My happiness takes control, and I give Liam a hug. Liam seems to be surprised.

He must never really have a hug before...

But after a short time of shock, he hugs me back. After he leaves, I open the bag and take the roasted meat. Finally, real food!

I begin to eat eagerly, not even realizing someone is behind me. "You look hungry," smirks Clayton. Suddenly, he takes the meat away from me. "Give back!" I say panicked, afraid I can't eat more. Clayton chuckles as he holds up the meat while he sits. I go on my knees, pulling myself up so I can take it. But just when I catch it, he holds it even higher, and I lose my balance falling on top of the werewolf. Before I can pull myself back up, he pulls me down with his arm around my waist. "Oh, you like to be on top? I don't mind~"he teases. Suddenly, the meat doesn't matter anymore, and I struggle in his grip, which he seems to like.

My arms are tired, and all my energy is gone. I fall back in his chest. Clayton takes the opportunity to stroke my hair. His touch is comforting, and my body relaxes against him.

Just need to wait for my energy to come back.

Clayton, let's out a low chuckle. "You like this, little angel?"
I don't answer, but I relax even more. I can feel his muscular body underneath his clothes. His bodywarmth and the comforting strokes make me calm. Clayton spreads his legs, allowing my legs to rest as well.

My eyelids are getting heavy. I didn't sleep much last night. I lay my head down in the croock of his neck, and the darkness surrounds me...

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