Chapter 15

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All eyes are turned on me. I can't quite tell what they think of me. They look surprised but not judge the slightest or at least not the few first minutes.

Finally, one of the werewolves points at me with a questioning look at Mina. "Is that a human?" he asks. His voice had a certain tone in it, but I'm not sure if it's bad. They don't look like they hate humans.

Mina nods her head and smiles at me. "Yes, she's human. But don't worry, she is a friend, "she says. I can't help but feel uncomfortable. Mina's aura seems to have completely changed. She doesn't look any like her like the soft, scared, kind wolf. She has a lot of confidence and a sly look in her eyes.

Suddenly, I feel something soft touching me. I look beside me to see a male wolf sniffing confused, like a dog when it first meets a stranger.

"She smells like wolf...", he says and raises an eyebrow in suspicion. I'm not sure how to reply but Mina does it for me before I even get the chance to open my mouth. "She's been with another clan before", says Mina.

"King Hendriks clan."

The wolf next to me looks at me still there is written suspicion all over him, a clear sign that he doesn't trust me. "Why would a human be in Henrik's clan?"
"Yes, that makes no sense", adds another one.

More murmurs come up the surface. I take a small step back. While the others continue to mutter things, I notice a young man staring at me, with a soft glare on his face. He sits against a tree surrounded by the clan but does speak a word, unlike the others. His blood-red eyes stare holes into my forehead. He has dark brown hair hanging over his face. 

Suddenly, he stands up and walks over to us. His eyes glued on me in an uncomfortable angry glare. "Mina, have you lost your mind?", he asks. "She's a human, and there is one rule, just one we need to focus on. And that is to stay away from humans!" Despite his stern voice he looks collected. 

Mina turns to me, smiling and ignoring the wolf before her. "(name), this is my brother: Fenrir", says. I glance at the brunette, who still calmly glares at me as if knowing I didn't have a chance to escape him. 

"I'm not looking for trouble...", I tell him carefully. But Fenrir's soft glare doesn't change, not interested he looks away and back at Mina. "You better have a good reason", he says sternly to his sister. "I can do whatever I like, big brother. Now..." Mina turns back to me and grabs my hand. "... do you'd like to eat something?" I nod my head and follow her. 

As time goes by, more and more wolves go back to their little celebrations, except for Fenrir who also gets back at his original sitting spot, his eyes still following me around. He doesn't trust me. 

I sit next to Mina, who sits a bit higher than the others. It's almost like she's in charge of the clan, but I can't say for sure. I eat and drink while the dancing and singing around continues and the fire still dances at least a few meters under the night sky. 

After the song is done and only laughter is heard, Mina grabs all the wolves' attention. "Let the game begin!", she yells excitedly. I look confused around while continuing to eat. Two wolves stand up and make their way close to the fire oppisite each other. There is a tense atmosphere around and some start cheering. "What's going on?", I ask. Mina gives me a sly smile. "We're playing the Borba game", she replies. "Borba means 'fight' in Croatian, a game played many generations before us. Two wolves fight against each other, while we bet on we think who wins", she explains after my confused look. "I see..." I look back at the two wolves who already growl at each other. One other wolf comes around with a bag where we can put something in. 

"Do you fight too?" I ask out of curiosity. Mina laughs at my question. "Of course not, silly! I can't" She strokes her hand over her belly. 

"You're pregnant?", I say surprised. Mina looks young, I never suspected she was pregnant. Mina laughs lovely at her belly. "Oh yes, my little one will soon come out. You know... it's amazing to be pregnant, (name). The thought of your child running around and hunting is the most beautiful thing anyone could ask for." "Isn't it tiring?" "It's worth it." 

That's perhaps why her brother was so protective about her, she doesn't want anything to happen to her or her unborn baby. "Oh", Mina's gasp snaps me back to reality. 

"Let the fight begin!", she yells. And the two wolves, without hesitation, run off to each other. Immediately letting their claws and teeth out. It's quite brutal to see, almost like it's a life-or-death fight. They bite, claw, and growl while rolling on the ground hitting and stabbing each other. Some blood spills on the ground, and a howl of pain can be heard through the forest. I look away, I do not want to see it. Their fight reminds me of the horrible sight I've seen when hunters attacked us and how Conner ripped out the organs and limbs of the human girl. Her bloody body and her dull eyes turned to me is an image freshly burned in my mind. 

As soon one of them wins, the crowd cheers and the wolf who lost can go to the medic. His own blood and that from his opponent are covered over him, his breaths quick as he's trying to breathe. The winner cheers, with just a few scratches and blood stains. 

"Alright, the next pair can begin. Leon, would you care for the honor?", asks Lina. A young male wolf stands up. He has quite the muscular body and the aura around him terrifying. His sharp teeth stick out as his lips go up in a sinister smile. "(Name), your turn." 

"What?" I turn shocked to Mina who just gives me a sly smirk. "Come on, human. Don't be scared, Leon will go easy on you, won't you?" Leon smirks at me. "I will", he chuckles darkly. I feel my heart beating in my throat. "I-I don't think I want to do this..." "Oh, come on!" Mina grabs my sleeve and pushes me forward. All eyes are on me again, and Leon grabs a large stick. It has the side of a sword and looks quite thick. He tosses it at me, with still the mean grin on his face. 

The crowd starts to cheer again, except for Fenrir who still stares at us. Something tells me that this 'Leon' isn't planning on going easy at all... quite the contrary, I think he's going to enjoy tearing me into pieces.

I look with a begging look at Mina but she just has an evil smirk on his face. 

"Good luck, (name)..."

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