Chapter 22

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It took a while before anyone had an agreement but eventually, King Hendrick with his clan is tagging along. Jonah kneels beside me, his eyes scanning the arrow on my leg. He has the same focused look as when I first met him, only this time his eyes... show something. Maybe worry? Irritation? I can't quite place it and I don't mind placing it. It still hurts and I would beg for the pain to go away but I hold myself back, knowing it won't go away. "Hold still, " he says, reaching for the arrow but I stop him. "Nah, that's going to hurt", I say immediately. "It needs to go out", says Jonah with a soft sigh, yet he doesn't sound irritated. Clayton goes sit beside me but at the moment I didn't pay any attention to him. More focusing that Jonah wouldn't quickly pull it out without my consent. "I'm going to count to three and I'll pull it out", says Jonah and takes the arrow. I immediately felt a rush of pain going through my leg. "No, no don't. Just take me to a hospital or something", I beg softly. "Please." 

"One...", Jonah starts counting and I felt fear. This is going to hurt more than anything else I have experienced. "Take my hand", says Clayton, his eyes showing kindness. Normally, I wouldn't take it but for some reason, I take his hand. He squeezes it as if he wants to show support. "Can I continue?", asks Jonah, and I nod my head. "Just let's get this over with", I mumble softly. "Two." Jonah didn't even count to three and he already pulled it out with immense force. 

"Oh, my f*cking-!" I yelled out when the arrow is pulled out. My leg burned in pain. Without realising, I squeeze Clayton's hand. I felt his arm go around my shoulder, and he places his chin on my shoulder. "Shh, it's over", he whispers, his voice soft and warm. Even though the arrow is out it still hurts as hell. My body is tensed up as unimaginable pain is in my leg. 

Jonah quickly wraps a piece of cloth and puts it around my leg. In his eyes, I saw concern. I still hissed in pain a bit, somehow it now hurt so much more than when the arrow was in my leg. Fenrir, who stands close to us, takes a step to me. He kneels to my level, the ears on his leg seem to be listening. "I'll carry you", he says as he places a hand on my shoulder. "Who says you're not going to run off with her, lover boy? Just give her to us", Connor scoffs. Fenrir shoots him a glare. "And you both are stupid to think that I let a wolf carry her", says Jonah already scoops me up in his arms. It's now that I can truly feel how strong he is, even though he was the human of his brothers. Jonah starts walking with me in his arms. Out of the corner of their eyes, I can see them glare but they don't see a word and just walk along. 


We've been walking for a while, the skies turn dark and there is a thunder heard once in a while. The wind blows harder through the trees, which sadly dance along with the wind. Raindrops start to fall, first it was just a few but it becomes more and more. Jonah puts me down, I stand on one leg as he does. The other one still hurts but not as much, or either I'm getting used to the pain. "I'm going to find shelter, the woods are tricky in storms", says Jonah. I nod my head in understanding. Fenrir stood beside me and gave me a soft yet sad smile. 

He stands before and bends a bit. I accept his silent invite and he takes me on his back. My arms around his neck to have balance. The ears on top of his head make him actually kind of cute. The thunder becomes louder and the rain starts to pour from the dark grey sky. Sometimes lit by lightening. "There is a cabin not too far away, we can shelter there", Jonah says to us with his cold eyes before leading the way. Fenrir and the others start walking and I can't help but look down at him. "Fenrir?", I ask softly. He doesn't reply but lets out a short 'hm?'. "I'm sorry for your sister... I tried to save her", I said, yet I didn't dare to say it too loud as if it would anger him even though I know it wouldn't. There is a silence before he finally replies in a soft yet sad tone. "I know..." 

"Why did you chose to protect me over her?", I ask after he shows he wouldn't start about it himself. Fenrir looks down, almost too sad to talk about it. "I didn't choose", he eventually says. "I just did what my instict told me." 

I didn't reply to it, I'm not sure what he meant but he doesn't seem to like to talk about it. Despite the covers of the leaves, my hair is starting to get wet as are my clothing that I'm wearing for way too long. I'm suprised they don't stink for some reason. Or maybe the smell of dogs is just stronger.  

Then from afar I spot the cabin...

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