Chapter 2

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"This is huge!" I say when I come to Fillip's house. I've never seen such a big house before from the inside. "I know," he chuckles. "Impressive, isn't it? My parents left me this when they died."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Must have been hard."
"It wasn't actually. They were never home, I've never really knew them, "Fillip replies. I walk over to another room. My mouth drops open from all the guns and weapons I see hanging on the walls. No sound comes out of my mouth, and I just close the door fast before Fillip returns.

My eyes open slowly. There is a faint light, just enough for me to see where I am. I lie on the grass, no fresh-spring green grass, but dirty, dry, dead grass that feels like it could cut in my flesh by the slightest movements. Just when I tilt my head, my senses warn me. Someone is sitting beside me.

Is it one of the werewolves?

I don't dare to move too much. I can't see who sits next to me, but it can't be good. The only thing I see out of the corner of my eye is the slim body, a male, but his face is turned away from me. I open my eyes and I scan my surroundings. I hear growling mostly and see some faint figures walking by.

When I hear the grass slight crack to the werewolf next to me, I immediately close my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

I have no idea what happened, but I need to get out of here!

Suddenly, Fillips face cross my mind. For a split second, I'm thinking of leaving him behind. But quickly, I shake off the thought.

He wouldn't leave me here, so why should I?

Suddenly, a hand starts stroking my hair. The touch is gently, yet I can feel the dominance dripping of it. "I know you're awake, darling." I recognize the voice. The gentle, soft voice of the werewolf that bit me. "You don't have to pretend around me, I won't kill you." I sit up, directly looking the king in his eyes. A grin forms on his lips. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He glances at the werewolves who are busy working and running around. "All different packs are slowly becoming one. More strength, more kills. But I need to give those mouths food. What do you think, darling? Should I let them feast on you?"


Again, the adrenaline starts to rise. "I'm just kidding, darling." He smiles at me while he caresses my cheek with his thumb, but I pull his hand away. First, King Hendrick looks offended, almost angry even, but his expression changes with a sly smile. "I guess I deserved that. It wasn't a very funny joke for you."

"Where is Fillip, Hendrick?" His eyes flash red as he grabs my shoulders quite harsh, making me flinch. "You will address me as 'your majesty'", his voice rises. "I may sound like an angel..." His lies his hand close to my face, and just in a matter of seconds, his long claws pop up, just inches from my face. It feels like a drop fall down my face. I'm pretty sure it isn't a tear...
"...but I surely am not one." As the king finishes his sentence, another werewolf approaches. "Ah, Clayton!"

I look at the blonde man, his eyes shining red. He has ears on his head and sharp claws, not to mention his teeth. "You came just in time," continues the king. "I'm afraid I scratched our little human, take care of her." The king pushes me towards him.
My feet stumbles because of the other, and I fall right down Clayton's chest. The fear rising in me. He may not have done much to me yet, but his actions quite scared me. "Of course, your majesty," grins the wolf.

I hold myself in to call the king for help. I don't trust Clayton one bit. I watch him leave, and just when he's out of sight, I turn around. Clayton grabs my wrist and pulls me close to him. "What are you-" Clayton licks my cheek, tasting the drop of blood that had fallen. I cringe from his action. He looks at me, shocked. "My..."
Then, a grin appears on his face. "...your blood is... exquisite."
"Don't touch me!" I yell. I push him away, freeing myself from his grip. "What the hell do you want from me?!"

Out of nowhere, Connor joins our conversation. I shut myself up. From all the werewolves that scare me, he did most. "I don't think it's about what we want, I think it's more about you want from us," he smirks.


"That little hunter boyfriend of yours is dying to see you... Quite literally." I glare at him. "Will you take me to him?"
"Why not just run already? You had the chance, but you stayed. Does your boyfriend mean that much for you?" He growls. "He isn't my boyfriend, he's my friend and yes he means much to me! If you would take me to him, I would appreciate it." Connor bites his lip, annoyed by my answer. He looks at Clayton, who just also looks uninterested back.

Another wolf, Fabian, comes up to us. He was quite sweet to me, but his aura says otherwise. "The hunter is awake and requested as his last wish to see the human," he says. "We do not have much of a choice, do we? Come on, little angel, "says Clayton. "Or I bite your legs off," adds Connor.

I follow the three werewolves quietly. I look around. Werewolves stare at me. Some with a hungry expression, others hate and disgust. But one thing I notice that
they're are all male, of all ages. But no females at all. I don't dare to ask, and neither do I care. I see a large tent. It isn't big, it's has a brown shade, making it like camouflage. Clayton opens the tent, and they look at me, waiting to go in first.

I walk into the tent, I look horrified before me what I see...


Hi there

Right now, it is exams, but I will post new chapters as soon as I can! Hope you Mike the story do far ❤️

Have a nice day/night 👋

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