Chapter 6

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The meeting is finally over. The main subject was about the 'the plan b' or raping woman edition. Not all of them are raped but still.

When everyone leaves, I am alone with King Hendrick. "You should sleep, darling," he says. He pats my head and leads me to a tent. I'm glad I get a little alone time. I've been close enough to these werewolves. I still haven't forgiven them for killing my friend.

If I had known this, I would've never gone with him, I would make an excuse so we both could stay at home. Fillip would've been alive, and I wouldn't have to deal with the wolves. Would have been better for both of us.

I sit on the ground. I don't feel like sleeping, I feel more like escaping. However, I don't really dare, too. They are wolves, probably smell me or something. I should've asked for more information from Fillip when I had the chance.

The entrance of the tent opens, and the king walks in. He can lie in the tent wherever he wants because I'm just lying in a corner. But no, he lies beside me. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to his chest. "You don't have to hide from me," he growls playfully in my ear. I ignore him and close my eyes. I can feel his chest through his thin shirt. But I'm surprised to feel something else as well. We're so close against each other that it not only seems to affect me but him as well.

It surprises me how good he controls his desires, which is a good thing in my case.


After a while, I still can't sleep. Too much is keeping me busy. I glance behind me. Hendrick breaths are slow and calm, which I suspect he is sleeping. I try to be as careful as possible to escape from his grip. Luckily, it isn't that hard. 

I go out of the tent. It's weird. Sometimes, the wolves sleep at night. Otherwise, they're awake the whole day. I sit on the ground next to the tent and look up at the stars. Nobody is here. It's so easy to escape...
I feel eyes on me. I don't bother to look around. Let them watch. Either way, they will show themselves, or they see I'm not trying to escape. I hear rustles in the bushes. I back away a little, hoping it's not another werewolf. A figure comes out, carrying branches and wood. He doesn't seem to notice me at first, but when he comes closer, he is startled. I can't see who it is, but the werewolf ignores me and puts the wood down a little furthur. Then I see his brown hair and curls.


The brunette smiles kindly at me. "What are you doing here?" I ask, which I realize is a stupid question. "Gathering wood," Liams soft voice replies. "What are you doing here? It must be cold for a human, "he adds.

Is he concerned about me? That's a first.

"It's not that cold," I say. Liam notices the sad expression on my face. He sits down next to me but still keeps somewhat his distance, not to make me uncomfortable. "What is bothering you?" He asks. "I don't know," I say with a hint of sarcasm. "My only friend is dead, I'm held hostage by a pack of werewolves who like to scare the crap out of me. There's nothing wrong, really." Liam chuckles softly. "I'm sorry, it was a stupid question." There is an awkward silence between us, but surprisingly, I feel safe with him. "What does your father want with me? Why hasn't he eaten me already?"

Or raped.

"I wish I could answer that question, but I'm afraid that my father doesn't talk about such things. And clearly not with me." "Why, you are his son."
"No, I'm a bastard. My father has done it with many, many females at the time. My mother was no exception."
"Oh. Is she... dead?"I ask carefully. After all, female werewolves are murdered.
"Yes. My father killed her right after I was born."
"What? Why would he kill a werewolf?"I ask, confused.
"My mother was no werewolf."

The realization hits me. His mother is human, took the baby after he was born, and killed her with it.

"Sorry. I really mean it, "I say. I can see the sadness in his eyes. He had never parental love...

I hesitate but still put my hand on his shoulder. "And your brother, Connor, did he take care of you?"

He doesn't really look like the type to do that, but still...

"No, he despises me. He just sees me as an extra, just in case the 'real' werewolves are extinct, "he replies. My hand still lies on his shoulders. I can feel his pain, and yet he is so strong. "But I don't blame him," he suddenly adds. "Our father was never an actually a parent figure, not even for Connor. He had to survive on his own, and he did. He grew strong, thinks he doesn't need someone else, and he's ready to take over as Alpha. At least, that is what he thinks. Me, in comparison to him, is a huge difference, "he says. He looks at me with a sad smile, showing he accepted his place. "I like you more than him. He is so... arrogant and cruel. If he becomes Alpha I'm done for, he will tear me apart, "I say with a slight chuckle. "Yes, he probably would." We smile at each other, and for the first time in days, I feel a light spresence of happiness.
"Here," Liam takes some berries from his pocket. "Humans don't eat raw flesh. You must be hungry." "Hungry? I'm starving!" I take the berties and push them in my mouth. It feels like I haven't eaten in days. "Do you have more?" I ask when I'm done. "Tomorrow, I can get some for you," he replies. "Yes, please!"

Suddenly, there is a shadow towering over us. When I look up, I feel the fear rising in me...

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