Chapter 21

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Connor starts walking again, but then a voice calls out. "Oh no, you're not going anywhere." I put my hands on Connor's back and pull myself allowing myself to look behind me. Fenrir blocks the way, he stands straight his arms crossed and his face like usual: annoyed. 

I smile relieved. "Fenrir..." I hear Connor scoff as he hears me and his grip gets tighter. "Get out of our way", says Connor annoyed. Liam stands before me, his eyes sad. "I'm sorry..." he says softly. I look at him with a soft smile. "It's okay Liam." 

"Just give me (name) back and I won't do anything drastic", says Fenrir with confidence. I look behind me again to see that a few wolves stand behind him. Some are wounded, others stand just like before the attack. "Why do you care about (name) and what happens to her?", I hear King Hendrick say slightly annoyed yet still his a professional look on his face. I look around to see some bodies, some wolves other humans. But the humans seem to have disappeared. "Why do you?", replies Fenrir. "Simple", says King Hendrick. "As long as she doesn't reach the blood gate she can't do anything to stop our plan." 

Plan? What plan? 

Fenrir shrugs. "You truly are evil, aren't you?" Hendrick sighs softly, not really seeming to like his statement. "Shouldn't you collect your sister's body?" It sounded more than a statement than a question. Fenrir glares at Connor. "You know what surprises me more?", says Connor in a mocking tone. "You choose a human over your sister, one of the last female, and your future nephew or niece." I can see the anger Fenrir's face but he doesn't deny it. 

Wait... he knew? He did see her run into the woods? Yet he chooses to protect me...

I don't know if I feel touched or sad by this. Why would he choose me, a human who just knew for a few days, then his sister that he knew his whole life? 

I look back, my arms getting tired from pulling myself up and I sigh. I spot Aiden in the shadows, just watching the others. I sign for him to come here and to my surprise he actually does and waits for me to speak. "Can you please help me? I get no air", I say, which isn't a lie. Being thrown over Connor's shoulder makes it hard to breathe a bit. 

Aiden doesn't reply but wraps his arms around me and pulls softly, without any trouble I glide out of Conner's grip and I'm put on the ground. "Thank you", I whisper softly. But despite me being out of Connor's grip, Aiden still takes my arm so I won't run away. 

Fenrir's hands become fists yet he still stands there calmly. "Just let her go. I'll take better care than you ever could." Clayton chuckles. "Is that what this is about? Who takes better care of her?" Fenrir glares softly. "You don't want to take care of her, you are just going to deliver her to Johannes. You know what happens when you do, right? You don't care, you just want to avenge your sister and a reward." "That is certainly not true", he says immediately. 

I no longer listen to their fighting, the tension is going higher up. I wouldn't be surprised if a fight came out, again...

 All I can think about is Jonah and Johannes Key, about Fillip too. Everything is connected in one way or another even though I didn't see it. It would also explain why Jonah and Fillip so much looked like each other. 

"I'm the new alpha of this clan, I could command them to rip you all to shreds", says Fenrir calmly. "So can I", says King Hendrick. Suddenly, there flies an arrow. I get shoved back with a large wave of pain. To my horror, I look down to see an arrow in my leg. Just before I hit the ground, Aiden catches me. 

I yelp in pain, it stings with just the slightest movement I make. It hurts like hell, it burns too. I can't help but groan as tears form in my eyes. Suddenly, the attention goes to me. I spot a man standing in the bushes, he has a bow in his hand. He must have been the one who shot the arrow. 

Connor growls and wants to run his way but he isn't fast enough as the man already lies on the ground, with a weapon impaled in his back. I look shocked as a man comes behind him from the shadows. 

Jonah stands before the wolves, as he pulls the weapon out of the man's back. "How about you hand her over to me?", he says coldly. I'm happy to see him. 

"Jonah!", I say happily but my smile quickly disappears as another sting of pain from the arrow makes its way through my leg. "I spoke with Johannes", he says to me. "He'll be glad to receive you as his guest." 

Connor steps forward. "She isn't going anywhere." "I agree with Jonah." I look at Fenrir. "As much as I don't like you, (name) needs to go to Johannes Key", he says. Connor wants to say something but is stopped by his father. "Fine." 

I look at him surprised, and so do the others. Hendrick glances at me for a second and then turns back. "One condition", he says. 

"What's the condition?", asks Jonah, his gaze harsh and cold. 

"We are tagging along..." 

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