Chapter 17

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I tremble a bit, thinking it's Leon. Please let it not be Leon...

But instead a brunette comes out of it, a familar one. "Fenrir?", I ask confused. I quickly cover myself with my shirt more while he comes closer.

Why did he came here anyway? I doubt it's becomes he's concerned...

Fenrir bends down, sitting on his knees next to me, while I wait for him to speak. "Show it to me", he says in a demanding tone. "W-what?" Fenrir points at my neck. I do as he says and put my shirt a bit down. His hand reaches down at my neck, and I flinch again once I feel a sting of pain again. Fenrir stops immidiatly when he sees me flinch. He has a soft expression on his face.

"Follow me, it's cold here." He stands up and expects me to follow him, which I do. He leads me to quite a big tent. It has a small campfire in it, and some stuff, just like in Mina's tent but then other decorations. It looks a bit better even.

Mina's tent was more chaotic while her brother's tent has a calm atmosphere and it's very clean. Fenrir signs me to sit next to the fireplace while he opens a drawer. I just sit, with a big of a distance, next to the flames. "Here." Frenrir turns around and hands me a cup of warm chocolat milk. The warmth of the cups against my hands is satisfying, a feeling of comfort.

"Thank you..." I whisper quietly and take a sip. Fenrir sits next to me. He sighs a bit irritated and places a med-kit on the ground next to him. "Why did you bring me here?", I ask carefully. "Isn't that clear, I'm here to take care the wound. We don't want it to be infected now, do we?" He takes some supplies from the it and start treating my neck. "But... why?" Fenrir is quiet for while, concentrating on my wounds. "I can see when someone is choked... it's far from pleasant" he says while he puts a sort of cloth on my neck. I flinch a bit but let him treat it.

"That's kind of you... to take care of me. Most just would... let me fall." Fenrir just shortly glances at me. "Was it that obvious I was choked?", I ask a bit curious. "No, only for me it was. When you're choked you struggle differently and do certain things without knowing", he replies. "Well... your sister clearly didn't see it." I can't help but sound a bit pissed off.

I expect a glare but instead he just chuckles. His voice is beautiful when he chuckles like that but I brush it off. "My sister... doesn't notice when someone is hurting physically or mentally." Fenrir's hand is soft against my skin, he is gentle as he bandages my arm. His face changes from the soft smile to his back serious face.

"She says it's one of her symptomes of the pregnancy. How did she call it? Ah yes, pregnancy needs or something", he says. "I don't know anything about pregnancies but I don't think luring people into a near death is a pregnancy need. You don't see humans do it when they're pregnant." With that he finishes the bandage and is done by cleaning the wounds on my neck. I thank him politely and take another sip from my drink.

"Hey... can I ask something?" "Hm?" "Does your pack... rape... humans too?" Fenrir seems to be catched off guard by my question. First, hes quiet but then shakes his head. "No, we have my sister. She is responsible for the next generation. However... I would be lying if I said that some men of our clan hasn't done that." I don't reply to it and decide not to ask any furthur.

Fenrir tosses a blanket at me. "You'll need it for the night. You can sleep in my tent if you'd like. Unless, you like to sleep with my sister." I shake my head. "No, I rather sleep in your tent, if you're okay with it"

Mina almost killed me, and even laughed at that too. Even if she didn't see it, she could at least check on me, but she didn't. Fenrir was the one who checked on me and took care of my wounds. I start to trust him more then Mina.

"That's settled then. I have to go back to the pack. Who knows what my sister let them do." "Is she like the alpha or something?", I ask. "No... however she is granted with a lot of power since she is the most important one of our clan. She is basically the whole future, that's why I guess we all have a soft spot for her", replies Fenrir.

"If you need something, I will be outside."

With that Fenrir leaves me alone in the tent. I look around, searching for a soft spot where I won't be in Fenrir's way. I lie down next to the fireplace, carefully to not hurt myself too much. My hands lands on the pillow and I close my eyes. After a while I manage to fall into a peacefull sleep.

Hello there

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I apalogize because this chapter is a bit shorter then the others but next will be longer again.

Have a nice day/night!

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