Chapter 18

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I wake up, my eyes still closed. I can hear the rain tick on the roof of the tent, together with thunder that sounds quite distant. I look around, I assume a few hours have passed, yet it's still dark outside. I can't help but think about Jonah.

Is he still alive? Probably, he is the strongest human being I have seen. And Fillip... he looks a lot like him. Or at least from appearance.

There is another strike of thunder in the distance. I look around, Fenrir is still nowhere to be seen. I go to the entrance of the tent and peek through it. There is no wolf to be seen. The fire has gone out. At first, you would think everyone is asleep in their tents, yet why isn't Fenrir back? He surely wouldn't want to be in this weather. I sit down in front of the tent, not wanting to go outside.

As much as Fenrir has been kind to me, I don't have the motivation to look for him. Maybe he would think I would follow him around like a lost puppy and think I'm weak and phatetic like any other wolf.

I stare up, a flash lights the sky for a quick second. When I look back, I see a figure. A dark figure blending in with the tree line. It looks like... he's staring at me...

I feel a wave of uncomfortable energy go through me. I try taking a closer look, hoping my eyes will deceive me and it's maybe a tree or a bush.

But the more I'd look, the more human it looks like. The figure is tall and slim and leans against a tree. It seems to wear a long leather coat and wears something on his back.

I don't think that's a wolf... is it Jonah?

No, it can't be. Jonah wouldn't waste his time by just standing there staring at tents. I close the tent, feeling a bit creeped out and scared.

Why is there a figure watching me in the first place? If it's not Jonah or Fenrir, it can't be good. And I'm pretty sure it's not them.

Suddenly, the tent opens, and a second of panic goes through me. But I quickly relax once I see it's Fenrir. His hair and clothes drained from the rain, his tail and ears dripping. He has the same uncaring yet annoyed expression on his face. He closes the zipper of the tent and faces me.

"You're still awake?"he asks, surprised yet irritated. "I slept... but I woke up. There is a figure watching your clan by the way", I say the last part a bit more quiet. Fenrir doesn't move for a few seconds, processing the new information before looking outside. "I don't see anyone..." he says.

While he closes the entrance again  in just a second, I can look outside and indeed... the figure doesn't stand there any longer...

Fenrir goes to the cupboard of the tent, opening the first drawer and taking some dry clothes out. Without a warning, with his back turned to me, he takes off his wet shirt.

I should look away, yet my eyes are glued on his perfectly toned chest. He's quite muscular, which I already expected, yet his body is slim and just perfect in general. He takes a towel and starts drying himself off. Not being able to keep my eyes off in, I watch him. Not even realizing I was staring.

"You're just going to watch me?"

His voice snaps me out of my trance and in one rapid move I turn around, quickly replying. "Sorry..."

I can hear a small yet very, very short amused chuckle from him. Ad if he doesn't want me to hear it. I bite my lip, my face heating up in embarrassment.

But despite being rude, I had quite the show and I'm sorry but I enjoyed every second of it.

"You don't need to sit with your back at me, you know", I hear him say. Turning back around, I see he already bad his new clothes one. His previous wet ones lie on a corner, far away from eachother to let them dry.

"It's uh... bad weather out there, isn't it?", I say trying to make a conversation. Fenrir just nods.

"Where were you?", I ask. "You haven't been in this weather all along right? You might get a cold", I say. "I was with my sister", he simply replies.
"She had her needs again", he says and uses the towel to dry his hair a bit. "I dont know your ways, but is the father not going to help her through this pregnancy?", I say confused.

Fenrir shakes his head. "He can't... and he won't. After he heard that he was the father he said that it was her job to take care of it. Next day he dissapeared without a trace, there was only blood found and silver", Fenrir explains. "The hunters had him."

"I see...", I reply softly. "What about you?" He suddenly asks and I look confused at him. "How did someone from Hendrick's clan end up with someone like Jonah?" He asks. "Hunters attacked us, I was knocked out. Next thing I know it was me and Jonah."
"And you just stayed with him, even when he kidnapped you?", he asks. "Well, I felt safer with him then with Hendrick. He was human too, and if he would kill me he had already done so", I say. Fenrir let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Oh really, safe? You think you're safe with a human?", he asks. "Yes" , I answer with defending tone. "Humans won't kill other humans", I say but Fenrir shakes his head.

"Hunters kill humans too. They kill everyone that crosses their way. Especially humans."
I frown.

That can't be true right?

"Well he didn't", I say. "Why do you have so much trust in him. Do you love him or something?"

"No... I think. I barely know him", I say. "You think?", asks Fenrir with an annoyed tone. I cant help but be slightly annoyed too. He seems to really dislike Jonah, but he has no right to talk about him as if he's a bloodthirsty killer. "What? Are you jealous?"I say.

Fenrir is thrown of guard by the question, but he quickly regains his posture and scoffs. "Of course not...", he says softly.

After a moment of silence, I speak again. "Listen... I know you don't like him with him being a hunter and all-"
"He's no hunter"
"Sorry what?", I ask, not knowing if I heard that correctly. Fenrir repeats again, not looking at me.

"Jonah is no hunter..."

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