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Since you'd joined the avengers, you'd become friends with everyone. Except Bucky. You had tried to be nice but when he was a dick to you you acted like a dick to him because it's unlikely that you're ever going to be the bigger person.

One morning you went down for breakfast and an excited Wanda came to greet you. "Guess what, guess what?" She squealed.

"What's happening Wands?" You said rubbing your eyes.

"You finally get to meet-"

"Thor" Deadpanned Tony, finishing Wanda's sentence as he sipped his coffee. He looked just as tired as you.


You chuckled as you walked towards the cupboard to get some cereal, Sam was standing there, although unfortunately for you Bucky was also there.

"So, you looking forward to meeting Thor y/n?" Asked Sam as you put some cereal into a bowl.

"Of course she is" sighed Bucky "it's another person for her to annoy or flirt with"

"Piss off James" you muttered while walking towards the stairs with your cereal.

"HOW MANY TIMES? DON'T CALL ME JAMES!" Bucky shouted as you walked towards your room.

Bucky x Y/N - Enemies To Lovers Where stories live. Discover now