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You were slightly out of breath from running when you reached the door of the gym but as you were about to open the door, you stopped.

You couldn't start something up with Bucky. What if he didn't like you back? You'd never had a relationship before, you never had enough trust for anyone. Sure you flirted with people but committing to someone is completely different.

So you stood there and swallowed all your feelings and words down and entered the gym calmly as if you hadn't just had the biggest revelation ever.

"Hiya Nat, Steve" you said nodding to them as they stood there. Steve's arm around Natasha's waist. Steve just smiled and said hi back but Nat immediately narrowed her eyes at you.

"Are you okay? Something seems off? What's happened" she questioned.

Suddenly Bucky stuck his head around the corner and your heart skipped a beat.
"Everything's fine! Jeez guys calm down. Steve doesn't think anythings the matter, do you?"

He shook his head "No, but then again I would trust Nat's gut 100% over mine"

"Bloody hell Steve" you mumbled as you stuck your headphones in and headed towards the treadmill.

But Bucky followed you "You sure you're okay?

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry bout me"

Bucky just raised an eyebrow but didn't press it. "What's your workout for today then?"

"Cardio, some weights and then I'm going to see if I can get Natasha to do some fighting with me"

"Oh I was gonna ask Steve the same so the four of us can make a little competition if you want"

You thought about it, fighting with Bucky couldn't be a good idea but you knew you just had to put the feelings aside. You couldn't avoided him forever. "Yeah let's do it, sounds good" you smile.

After you've finished running on the treadmill you needed someone to spot you on weights. You were just about to ask Steve until Bucky walked past and spotted you hovering near the weights.

"Hey, do you want me to spot you?" He asked.

"I was gonna ask Steve, but um yeah that'd be good if you could spot me thanks"

Bucky raised an eyebrow at you as you loaded on a 5 on each side of the bar and lay down, ready to do some bench presses.

"Only 5s? C'mon y/n, I guarantee you're stronger than that." He laughed.

"The bars 20kg! That with two 5s is 30kg altogether!"

"Replace the 5s for a 10 on each side"

"Bucky, I can't lift that-"

"And if you don't that's fine! I'll be spotting you and if you've forgotten, I'm a super soldier y/n"

"Fine" you said beginning to change the weights "but I won't be able to"

"Are you scared?"

"As if"

"Y/n, I've seen you deadlift 110kg, I've seen you knock trained assassins out in 2 punches. Why are you so cautious to do a bench press?"

"I'm not telling you"

"Is it a serious reason or a funny reason?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

You looked at your feet "you'd probably find it funny"

Bucky just looked at you, as if he was challenging you to tell him.

"I was doing a bench press once with no spotter and when I tried to put the bar back because it was too heavy, I missed the stand and I went flying backwards along with the bar"

Bucky chuckled a bit.

"I know it's not a massive reason to be scared but it's always just been in the back of my mind for some reason"

"Y/n listen to me, you're an avenger, you go in missions all the time and you've been hurt before. Yet you still go on missions, the fears all in your head. I guarantee you'll lift these weights with no problem at all"

You smiled. Bucky seemed so passionate about helping you get over

"Yes y/n!!" Bucky said after you finished 12 reps "I knew you could do it!!"

You felt yourself blushing but ignored it, he was being supportive as a friend and you kept having to tell yourself that

"Thanks Buck"

"Buck?" He smirked at you which made your heart beat faster "That's new, you never even called me Bucky until a few weeks ago"

You just smiled "well, things change don't they? C'mon let's see if Nat and Steve are ready to fight"

Bucky x Y/N - Enemies To Lovers Where stories live. Discover now