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**trigger warning- mention of rape**

"Complete and utter twit" you grumbled while grabbing the first aid kit.

"How am I a twit and you're not?!" Bucky protested.

"Because you are!"

"So you don't have an answer to that?" He laughed.

You shot him a glare as you took the lid off a bottle that you got from the first aid box. "Hold still - this'll sting"

"Oh come on Y/N, that won't hurt- SHIT"

"Told you"

You adjusted where you were sitting on the sofa so you had a better angle to examine Bucky's gash.


Bucky's head quickly turned to your direction as you carried on helping him.

He smiled at you. A genuine smile. "No worries, it was impressive"

You turned around to grab the bandages from the first aid kit so you could wrap one around the cut to protect it. As you turned back around Bucky cleared his throat.

"I have a couple questions though"

You raised your eyebrow at him. "You can ask but I won't promise that I'll answer"

"Why did you have a knife on you?" he asked seriously. "You had one strapped to your thigh at Tony's party too"

You sighed. You don't know why you were about to tell James Buchanan Barnes something you'd never told anyone. But the moment felt right. You finished wrapping the bandage around his arm above his elbow, and turned around to sit cross legged and facing him.

"What I'm about to tell you Barnes, must stay between you and me. I've never told anyone before and I don't want people to know"

He sat up and looked you straight in the eye. "I can keep secrets"

"When I was younger, I went through a bit of a rough patch, I didn't have a safe place to stay so I was always on guard. I always managed to defend myself quite well until one day someone too big and too strong came along. I didn't have any money on me or anything of value of that matter which annoyed him."

You took a breath before continuing to reassure yourself.

"I can't think of a nice way to put this so here it is. He raped me that day, and then beat me until I was bleeding and bruised." Your voice cracked at that point.

You'd never told anyone about this. It brought up to many horrific memories.

Bucky just stared at you with a broken look. You smiled at him, a small smile. "What were the other questions?"

"Before I ask the other question, I just have a little favour"

"Okay?" You replied, slightly confused but nonetheless curious.

"Can I hug you?"

"What?" you spluttered, slightly stunned.

"Hold on- let me explain. During the 40s, people said I gave good hugs, especially when they were upset or whatever. Apparently it cheered them up"

"I'm fine Barnes, I'm not upset, just a little shaken I suppose"

"I don't doubt that, you're one of the strongest people I know. However, I am shit at offering comforting words and stuff like that or making situations less uncomfortable, so if I hug you I think it would make it better for both of us" He offered a small smile.

You raised an eyebrow, still unsure because what the fuck was going on?

"Sure Barnes" you smiled, standing up.

All of a sudden Bucky wrapped his arms around you and your head became burrowed in his chest. And it was one of the safest places you had ever felt you'd been in. Of all people, Bucky bloody Barnes gives the best and safest hugs.

You could feel yourself welling up a tad just as Bucky pulled away.

"I'm so sorry y/n, you didn't deserve anything that happened to you"

You chucked "you really do give bloody good hugs Bucky"

He smiled at you, a reassuring smile. "Let me help you tidy up" He said while beginning to gather stuff you'd gotten out of the first aid kit.

"What was the second question because I have one for you too?" You said.

"Ask yours first" he challenged.

"Why are you awake at this time?"

Bucky laughed "Coincidence, that was my question for you"

"Well mines simple, I can just never manage to sleep straight away, sometimes it takes me hours but I'm never usually that tired. I read to drift of to sleep most of the time" you answered.

"My answer isn't as simple unfortunately. I have severe nightmares from my time at H.Y.D.R.A"

It was your turn to feel awful, you knew about Bucky experiences there and they were like horror stories. "Bucky, I'm so sorry. That must be horrific- being reminded"

He shrugged and without thinking you returned the favour and pulled him into a tight hug, standing on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his neck. Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist and muffled a quiet "I think we both needed this"

You chuckled as you let go and started to head towards the lift. "Goodnight Bucky"

"Goodnight y/n"

Bucky x Y/N - Enemies To Lovers Where stories live. Discover now