"Right, so how's this sparring gonna work then?" Nat asked with her arms crossed "Because I know Steve won't want to fight me"
Steve raised his eyebrow slightly and looked over to her while you chucked under your breath "And why's that darling?"
She smirked "you know I'd kick your ass"
Bucky burst out laughing "you gonna take that mate?"
"Woah woah, calm down, save the flirting for later you two" you said, giving Nat a humoured side eye.
"So how are the fights gonna work?" Bucky questioned, looking you straight in the eye. You could feel the blush crawling up your cheeks but you ignored it. You can't blush at everything the guy says, that's ridiculous.
"I reckon we each fight each other, me and nat, Bucky and Steve, me and Steve, Bucky and Steve, me and Bucky. Me and Nat get more breaks that you two"
Steve scoffs "how does that work out?!"
"Well for one, we need time to talk and two, you are super soldiers, I'm sure you can handle it"
"Sure we can" Bucky said as he turned and playfully winked at you.
"Good" you smiled, probably too happily but I mean James Buchanan Barnes had just winked at you. That was hot.
"Okay, one rule guys, no head shots and no trying to kill each other" Steve said in a very parental way as you and Nat stepped in the ring.
You rolled your eyes "So two rules?"
Steve scrunched his eyebrows for a second and then replied with "shut up and spar y/n"
You were pretty pleased with how you were doing so far. You'd lost against Nat because she'd distracted you and then got you in a headlock. You loved her fighting pattern and always got little tips off her. You had won against Steve though, he was strong but he wasn't the quickest so you stayed light on your feet and moved quickly until you were in a good position to punch him and then trip him. You needed to remember to teach Morgan that, Tony wouldn't be overly happy but you loved teaching her ways to protect herself (and hearing her call you Auntie y/n was so cute!!)
You were on the last fight now. Bucky won against Steve and Nat and so was undefeated so far. But Nat had won against Steve. He might've been accused of letting her win, but he's done that before and got punched regardless.
"Come on y/n" Bucky said as he stood in front of you with his hand out while you were sat on the bench with Nat. You raised your eyebrows as you looked down at his hand and then back up to meet his eyes.
"Ready to get battered?" You took his hand and he pulled you up.
"As I remember, last time you said that, it turned out that I won"
You rolled your eyes as you both stepped into the ring as Steve joined Natasha on the bench to watch.
You stood opposite each other, ready to fight as soon as Steve said go. "This feel familiar?" Bucky looked you dead in the eye. "Last time we did this you hated my guts"
"Bold of you to assume I don't hate you now"
You heard Steve shout, probably to say go but you were too focused on Bucky who was smirking.
"Oh come on y/n, we both know you don't hate me" he said lunging towards you.
"Lotta confidence there Buck" you laughed as you moved out of the way and tripped him up.
Bucky fell but as you walked towards him - he swung his leg, causing you to go crashing to the floor. He moved so you landed on top of him and then rolled over so he had you pinned.
"Not confidence" he grinned "Just honesty"
You both carried on fighting, it went on a while but you guess time flies because it felt so quick. You thought you were going to lose this fight too. Bucky had your arm twisted and you were about to tap out but then you tried something. You launched yourself backwards while Bucky still had your ams twisted as he was stood behind you. You both went crashing to the ground and before Bucky could process what you had just done - you tuned over and pinned him so he couldn't move.
"How you getting out of this one?" You smiled.
"Fuck me, I'm not" he sighed in defeat as he tapped out.
You let him go and he stood up while you remained on the floor, shocked that you actually won against Bucky Barnes. "Seriously?!" You said in excitement.
He held out his hand and pulled you up "Don't get too cocky" he smirked and rolled his eyes.
"You wish" you said before you winked and walked out of the sparring ring towards Nat who was jumping with excitement for you.
cieve50booklibrary I'll try not to leave you on a cliff hanger again 😌

Bucky x Y/N - Enemies To Lovers
FanfictionA story about Y/N & Bucky Barnes ♡ •Enemies to Lovers •Marvel Cinematic Universe *All characters belong to the MCU except y/n*