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It was butterflies, motherfucking butterflies. Why does Natasha always have to be right? Were you catching feeling for Bucky? You'd noticed that you started calling him Bucky rather than James and the first time you ever called him by his nickname, you'd noticed that there was a little glint in his eye and a small smile playing on his lips although you didn't mention it.

You had to go and talk to Nat, she'll know what to do. You changed into some sports stuff, some leggings and a crop top and ran down the stairs towards the gym. If that's where Bucky was then that's probably were Steve was, meaning Nat was probably there.

When she had first told you she liked Steve you weren't surprised to be honest. They were made for each other and you were 99% sure that Steve liked Natasha back but you just needed him to confirm it. So you could tell him to get a grip and make a move.

It took you a while to get him to confess but after you'd got some dirt on him (he'd eaten Thor's poptarts) you finally got him to spill. You had laughed when you told him to go for it. His face was a picture! He was convinced she wouldn't say yes but after some serious glares from you he finally agreed although he was is doubt.

It was adorable when he did ask, Nat said "finally" and Rogers went the colour of a tomato. But they've been solid ever since. They are the cutest pair and everyone knows they aren't breaking up.

Bucky x Y/N - Enemies To Lovers Where stories live. Discover now