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"So Y/N" Tony said as you sit yourself down at the kitchen counter the next morning. "Did you do any flirting with Thor as Bucky said you would?"

You were known as a bit of a flirt - not in a slutty way but in the way that you didn't know you were flirting. You were an 'accidental flirt' as Nat called it, although she couldn't say much.

"I've told you before Tony, if I'm good at flirting when I don't even know I'm doing it then you'd probably know when I was doing it because I'd be 10x better" you smirked, because in fact when you were purposely flirting you did an excellent job of it. You have to do it on missions sometimes.

"MORNING LADY Y/N" booked Thor as he came downstairs and sat next to you with a pack of pop tarts in his hand.

"Alright Thor"

"Why do you say "alright" when greeting someone Lady Y/N" Thor questioned you but before you could answer someone else did for you.

"Because she's British Thor, that's the way they speak over there" Bucky said as if he had no idea why.

"How do you know? You don't know any British people apart from me and I've never really talk about being British"

Steve laughed and you noticed Bucky shoot him a look as if telling him to shut up.

"Back in the 40s, Bucky's type was a British girl" Steve chuckled.

"So was yours bud" Bucky said "Plus I told you never to tell her. Her ego will grow too much"

"Wait, what was the specific country in the UK that you liked girls from, it was weird because it wasn't even because of the accent, in fact you dated some without the accent"

Bucky sighed showing signs of defeat "Welsh girls" he said.

You went slightly pink and a second later Wanda jumped up squealing.

"Fucking hell Wanda, what happened?" Clint asked, turning down his hearing aid yet again.

You shot her a death state knowing that she'd read your mind.

"Y/N is Welsh!! Y/N is Welsh!!"

Everyone shot you a confused look except for Nat who just straight out said "What the fuck is with all the secrets Y/N?"

"Big deal, I was born in Wales" And with that you walked back to your room to get dressed.

Bucky x Y/N - Enemies To Lovers Where stories live. Discover now