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MSP Fan Meeting Or we can also said World Tour was about to end, after travelling to different country, they will end this fan meeting in Thailand, and here they are on their last day, the actors are emotional, they are feeling content yet sad that this will be the last fan meeting, one by one they said their thank you and goodbyes to their fans, lastly it was Gemini's turn.

Gemini don't show much emotions as he tried to control it everytime

"Thank you everyone for supporting us throughout our journey, we may have made many mistakes, but you're all supporting us and giving us much love that we don't deserve, especially me. I'm not that good actors, but my partner Fourth and the director, and all my co-workers had put their trust on me and when I'm feeling low, they never let me look down on myself, they gave me advice, they encourage me and lead me, help me became better, I wouldn't be here if not for them"

"And lastly, I have something to announce here" He took a deep breath and continue "I will be leaving Gmm company and movie industry, I know I'm just starting in this industry and I'm glad I have the opportunity to work with all the MSP family and all the workers behind the camera and also MC family, I'm sorry for this announcement, I want to say sorry to all my MSP family too, I didn't even told them beforehand, I have my own reasons I couldn't say out loud, I hope you could understand me, I'm so sorry to all my fans who keep supporting me from the very beginning till the end, and I'm asking you to continue supporting all my MSP family, this will be my goodbye to filming, I don't know if I'll be back to filming again, but I'll keep you all in my heart, all the memories we made together, I'll keep them in my heart, I will not ask you to always keep me in your heart, but I'm asking you all to think of me sometimes, please take care of your health and don't be sick, thank you again for all the gift you've given me and for your support, I'll always cherish them, thank you so much"

Tears were streaming on Gemini's face, he cannot control his emotion this time, it was hurt to say goodbye to the things he love the most, but if he continue to stay, he will be hurt more than he is now, so he made decision to leave the industry, the CEO asked him just to take leave for sometimes and continue after his leave, but he insist on ending his contract, the CEO respect his decision and allowed him to end his contract, but he didn't even tell Fourth and his friends

When he made the announcement on their fan meeting, his friends were shock with the news, they never expect the news, they think that it will be just casual announcement like filming other movies or something like that, they don't know how to take the news, they were already sad to end their tour and fan meeting, but Gemini's announcement made them more sad, especially Fourth, he thought that they were really close friend, can't Gemini atleast told him beforehand, share him his decision, Fourth was sad and hurt, maybe Gemini never accept him as he's close friend


That's all for the 1st episode, im not a writer so it may not be good as other stories, I don't know if anyone will read my story, if you read it, thank you for reading (♥_♥)

I really love Gemini and Fourth, that's why I'm writing their fan fiction, My Chinzilla baby and Nong Lion are hard to resist 🥰🥰

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