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Gemini's conditions is not getting better, it will be his surgery day soon, but with his conditions, it was dangerous to have surgery, his conditions need to get better or else he will not be fit to have surgery and if that happen, he might not be able to survive

Ohm and Perth will visit him whenever they are free, but they won't be able to stay long since they have a busy schedule

Fourth wants to visit him so bad but since Ohm told him not to show his face, he tried to stay away as he thought he can be the reason Gem felt worse, but that one day he can't hold himself back, he visit the hospital, he wants to talk to Gemini, he wants to clear the air between them

He don't know what's wrong but he still want to make it right, when he arrived at the hospital, he go straight to Gem's room, when he reach the door, he heard Gem's laugh heartily, how much he missed those laugh, but then he hear a kids voice, he peak through the door and saw that Gem is with that kid he saw in the hospital, the kid who call him papa

Fourth was like something strike him, how can he forget that Gem was already married and he even have a kid now, he was so happy when Gem returned to Thailand that made him forget that his married, he smiled bitterly and turned himself to go home, but before he leave, someone called him, when he look at the person who called him, it was Liza, Gem's wife, she was looking at him with a smile

"You're Fourth right? Do you come to visit Gemi? " She asked with a smile still reflect on her face

Fourth was stunned, Liza is beautiful and her smile is so bright, he didn't look her clearly at the hospital when Gem introduced them, he think he understand why Gem fall for her, who wouldn't fall for such a beautiful and cute person

"Fourth? " Liza called again with a confused look

"Ah... Oh sorry, yes, I'm Fourth" Fourth replied with stammering

"It's nice to meet you again, I'm Liza, you still remember me? " Liza hold out her hand for a handshake

"Nice to meet you too, and who would forget such a beauty" Fourth replied the handshake and smile

"You're just like what Gem said" Liza say with a soft voice

"Sorry? " Fourth look her with a questioning look because he couldn't catch what Liza said

"Oh nothing, let's get inside, Gemi is with Leo, he will be worn out if he stay with Leo for long, Leo won't stop talking when his with Gemi" Liza say with a fond smile on her face

"Ah... I'm sorry, but i have something important to do, I'm afraid I'll not able to come in, I'll leave first, please excuse me" Fourth said and leave abruptly

"Don't you know he will be so happy if he see you, but what can I do, I can't say anything" Liza speaks to herself looking at the back of Fourth leaving, she heaved a sigh and get inside the room before Leo worn out Gemini


It's been a week after Fourth visit the hospital, he couldn't bring himself back to the hospital after knowing Liza was there with Gemini, he don't know how to act besides her, so he just avoid meeting her

But it will be the week Gem go through surgery, he wants to stay besides him when Gem go through all those painful things, but what right does he have

He just do his work, and went home, that's his routine, he don't know what to feel anymore, he don't feel like going out with his friends even when they invite him, what makes him alive is he just breath

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