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Fourth always gets nervous to go on stage, especially after Gem left, he still couldn't get used to it, when Gem was still there, he would reassure him, told him that it would be okay, but now he was alone, it was his solo fan meet, this will be his first time doing a solo fan meet after Gem left, before there's always other too, but this time it will be only him, all attention will be focus on him, and this makes him more nervous

He was in the backstage waiting for the Mc to call his name, the Mc was going on stage, the audience were waiting for Fourth to be called out

On the backstage, Fourth was feeling so nervous that his hands starts sweating and his heart beating rapidly, he need to calm his nerve or else he will be having trouble on stage

He took out his phone, like he always do when he needs to calm himself, click IG and search for one specific person, "lost._.star", when he saw the names, he click on it, there he saw a new post, a new song cover, he start playing, his voice is soothing and that always make Fourth calm

The video shows only the guitar which the singer is strumming


Turn down the lights
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close, don't patronize
Don't patronize me

'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark, in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause I can't make you love me, if you don't

I'll close my eyes, then I won't see
The love you don't feel when you're holding me
Morning will come and I'll do what's right
Just give me till then to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight

'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark, in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause I can't make you love me, if you don't


After the song was finish, Fourth don't know what to feel, he was trying to calm himself by listening one of his favorite person singing, but the songs make him feeling lots of emotion, it brings out the familiar feelings which he think he already buried deep in his heart, the feelings which was not reciprocated, the feelings which he can't even confess

He felt like crying, but he heard the MC calling for him to go to the stage, "Fourth, you can't be like this, you need to stay strong, this is not the time to broke down" He encourage himself, he close his eyes and took a deep breath, he wish that someone was there to help him calm down

He walk on stage trying his best to hold back his tears and keep on smiling, this is his milestone, he can't messed it up, he need to do his best, he want that specific person to be proud of him

The fans were cheering for him, he was happy and sad at the same time "Gem, look, there's tens of thousands people were cheering for me, this is what we used to dream of, we used to say that we will meet thousands...no, tens of thousands of our fans and have a moment with them, the time that we used to dream has now come, but where are you Gem, if only you were here" Fourth said in his mind, he wish Gem was there, stand besides him and communicate with the fans, but that just end as his wish

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