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It's been a week since I met Gemini, but it was still as clear as crystal in my mind

I am standing with Mae Yui, after he promised his son he will buy him ice cream, he turn on our side, he seems to be surprised to see us there at first, but his expression change quickly, he greet Mae Yui with a smile plaster on his face, after he greet Mae Yui, he turned to my side and said 'hi', he doesn't seem effect with my presence and he don't greet me with a hug and a soft smile the way he use to greet me, even that alone already hurt me

Why did he change so much, his appearance also different from the last time I saw him, I know it's already past 4 years, but his appearance change so much to my liking, he is thinner than before and a bit pale, and he also get rid of his bunny teeth I adored much

Mae Yui and Gemini chat for sometime but I don't really hear they're talking, I want to ask about the little boy but I can't even form a words, I'm afraid of his answer

But Mae Yui asked him about the child as if she can read my mind, his name is Leo, it was named after his zodiac just like him, and Mae Yui asked where his mom is, before Gemini answer there's someone who call him, when we look to the direction where the voice come from, there's a lady, she looks stunning with even just a simple cloths, she don't wear heavy make up but she's still beautiful, she came to stood beside Gemini, she's hanging a white coat on her arms, she's more beautiful when seeing her closely, but what took my eyes is that she's holding Gemini's arm, the arm I use to hold

That's when Gemini introduced her, "Mae Yui, this is Liza, she's a cardiologist, and she's working in this hospital, and she's also Leo's mom, I met her here when we moved to Mexico "

I make an excuse and I leave them behind, I can't listen to him anymore, the soft smile and those endearing eyes he had while he's talking about that Liza, the eyes that used to look at me, the eyes that always makes me weak, the eyes that always saw through me, but this time, the eyes that used to watch me doesn't look my way and those endearings aren't for me

I used to sulk at him even if it's a small things, he will always give in to me before, but now he doesn't talk to me or smile at me, he look at her proudly and his eyes sparks when he's looking at her

How am I supposed to take all this things, before I can use our work as an excuse, but now I don't even have those excuse to get his attention

I wait Mae Yui at the car, she's coming after about 10 minutes, I just sit quietly at the passenger seat, she come in and asked if I'm ok, maybe she's worried because I usually talk a lot when I'm with her, but this time I'm just not in the mood to talk, so I just tell her I'm just a bit tired, she drove me to the hotel

I turn the windows down and let the cold wind hit my face, the weather's nice, but my heart felt so heavy that I couldn't enjoy the night air of Mexico

Mae Yui drop me off in front of the hotel, she will join the others at the party, she's trying to stay with me and take care of me but I don't want to held her back, I want her to enjoy the last day, we bicker for sometime and at last I can make her attend the party, she drove away not before telling me to call or text her If I have problem

When I reach my room, I just lie down on the bed, I don't want to think about him, so I tried to distract my mind but it always end with Gemini

I know I will not be able to sleep like that so I called P'Mark, he pick after just 2 rings, they were already done the party so I asked to drink

But after that, I remember only vaguely, I know I drink a lot, and I spew some words to P'Mark and him consoling me, but I don't know the exact words I tell him

We go back to our room around 2 am, I took bath and go to bed, but I sleep only around 2 hours, I am awake from a dream and I can't just sleep anymore

I get up at 5 to get ready since we have to flight back to Thailand at 8 in the morning, I brush my teeth and wash my face, there's dark circles under my eyes, and I had a headache due to my sleepless night and also due to alcohol

I ate painkillers and hide my dark circles with concealer, I can't tell Mae Yui that I drink just after getting treatment or else she will be lecturing me for hours

She called me around 6 and told me that she's waiting in front of the hotel, so I keep on my shoes and go out with my luggage, P'Mark is already besides the car when I reach, he doesn't look effected with the drink he had last night, when I reach the car, he asked me if I'm ok, I told him that I'm fine and asked him not to tell Mae Yui, he just smile and get in the car, I followed him and enter the car, we drive to the airport, I wish I could just sleep throughout the flight, but to my disdain, I didn't get even a wink of sleep

I want to ask Mae Yui what she talk about with Gem, but there's a hesitation in my heart, maybe I'm afraid of something she will say

Now, I get to work again as usual, but I need to take my sleeping pills again after breaking for sometimes, I hate it but this is the only way I get a sleep


Here's another chapter with Fourth's pov, I'll try to write Gem's pov on the next chapter

We've reach 2k read, thanks to all of you🤍🤍

And now it's 2:02 am and I'm hungry😆😆, I've just realized that I didn't have meal today, or should I say yesterday, now I have to sleep with empty stomach 😞😞

Anyway, good morning, good evening, good night

Have a good day, stay healthy and be wealthy😄😄(cause this is my wish🤣🤣)

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