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Fourth's POV

When I reach Gmm building, I search for P'Ohm first, I want to ask him, no I need it, I have to confirm it first

"P'Ohm" I reach out to him when I saw him, he turn to me, but he don't look so please to see me, I don't understand why he act so cold to me all these years, I don't know what I've done so wrong to him to look me like that, he's always sweet to everyone except me, I don't see him looking at someone with those hateful eyes except me and P'Mark, but whatever, I really need to talk to him now

"What? " He looks like he's straining himself not to snap at me

"Can I talk to you for a moment" I need him to accept my request, if he don't, I don't know what to do or how to do

"For what? " A very short reply, what did I do wrong for him to not want to talk to me this much

"Please, it will not take long" I look at him with a pleading eyes, cause I really need to talk to him

"5 minutes, that's all I can give"

"Thank you" It's a short time, but that will do it, at least for now

When we reach the rooftop, he stop and look at me, waiting for me to talk, he looks impatient, I don't know how to start, and I almost forgot what I'm about to ask because of the way he look me

"Your time's ticking" He said with a cold tone

"Oh, uhhh... I'm sorry, may I ask, did you attend to my concert" I don't know how to ask him in any other way

"Yes, I do, does that bother you? " He really attend, then maybe it's true

"No Phi, why would that bother me, I'm glad you attend" I replied with a smile, and I'm telling the truth, I'm really glad he attend my concert, why would he think that I will be bothered

"Is that so? " He snickered

Why do he always act like this, he looks like he don't believe my words

"Is that all, then I'll go" He turn his back on me and walk towards the door, no, I can't let him go just like that, I still don't ask him the most important thing

"P'Ohm, you come to the concert with Gemini, right? " I ask not too loud, but I know that he could hear it

"Gemini? Why? Do you have any issue that his coming with me? "

"No Phi, why would I have an issue, it just that I...I don't get a chance to talk to Gem after our concert, c...can I get his address or at least his number" I ask P'Ohm, I don't know why I stutter, maybe because he look at me with the anger in his eyes, or because I was holding my tears back

"Gem?" He snicker again
"Do you think you still have the right to call him like that, not only that, you want to talk to him, after what you had done to him, Khun Nattawat? " His voice sound venomous and it can be seen that he was really angry

"Phi, what did I do to him, it's him who leave without saying anything, shouldn't I be the one to be angry, why are you so angry with me? "

I really don't know what I did so wrong to have him this mad at me, shouldn't I be the one to be mad and angry because Gemini just leave like that without saying a words to me, why should I be the one getting hate because of him leaving behind everything

"Angry? You think you have the right to get angry at him, you are the one who didn't give him the chance to talk to you 'cause you're so busy with your P'Mark, you don't know what he have to go through all these years cause you were never besides him, where are you when he needed you most? Be happy that he still want to attend your concert, if I can stop him, I'll never let him come "

He left after he said those words, it can be known that he was really angry with me, if someone hear him, they will be able to tell he's angry even without seeing his face

But what does he mean when he said that I am the one who don't give time to Gemini? When did I ignore him when he try to talk to me? And what did he go through that I don't know about? There's many questions in my mind that I don't have the answer, the only person who can give me the aanswer is P'Ohm who is very angry and Gemini, whom I don't know his whereabouts

Everything is driving me crazy, I'm so happy when I see Gem in that video, I think that I'm gonna meet him again after so long, but I'm not receiving any good news, I'm asking all of his friends I know, including all our co-workers in the company whom he is close to, but nobody knows where he is, the only person who knows doesn't want to tell me, he didn't even want to talk to me, but I'm not going to give up easily this time, I'll do everything I could

I'm looking at the footage of my concert again and again trying to find any clue of him, but it's difficult to look all of them since there are many people going in, and the camera covering only from one side make it difficult to search, I didn't see anyone looking like Gem entering, and the dim light inside the stadium didn't help at all, I watch the entire concert searching for that specific person but didn't find anything useful

I don't know what to do anymore, it feels like every path was end for me, those videos were like giving me happiness to crash it before I even have time to enjoy, I don't know how I'll continue, but I don't want to give up before I have the answers of all my questions, but what will I do, what can I do and how will I do now


Hello, how are you?

I'm back with another boring chapter after a long time😁

I don't know why but I cannot add new chapter or write new stories, I was busy trying different techniques, I log out and log in to another account, and login again, updating my apps, uninstall and re-install, and after many attempts, here I am again

l am lost of ideas, but I stay a long time without new update, so here I am

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