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Why do I need to meet him at the hospital

The look on his face when he see me, I know that he didn't expect to see me, and so I

I know he's gonna have concert here at Mexico from the beginning, Enrique is the member of the organizing team, he used to share news with me, he gives me vip ticket

I even attend the concert, and I also attend his concert in Thailand before but that, he doesn't need to know

Did he know that I attend his concert, I don't think so, he didn't even know I was here in the first place, but why is he in the hospital, is he sick

Aishhh... Let's not think about it now, there's nothing I can do anyway

Even at that time, he was with P'Mark again, they can't be seperate just like while I was still in the industry, they were always together, even if they have different work, they will meet after work

And now, P'Mark follow Fourth here in Mexico even if he didn't have anything to with the fanmeet

I wouldn't go to that bar if I had known that he will be P'Mark, so that I will not seen them being so close to each other, P'Mark was hugging Fourths shoulder and Fourth rest his head on P'Mark shoulder, they didn't care about their surrounding, they just enjoy each other's company

All I can do is just laugh at my stupidity, I was just insane to think that they will change

Now, I think I don't have to worry about him and feel guilty for leaving abruptly, now they can be together publicly without fearing for getting blamed, I will get all the blame for breaking the ship by leaving, and they will be the victim

Maybe I can take the weight off my shoulder now

It will not be easy, but I'll try to happy for them, it's hurt knowing he's so ok without me, but what can I say, cause I'm the one who leave



"Fourth, what are you doing, have your shooting done now? " P'Yui asked Fourth when Fourth answered his phone

"Yes Mae, shootings already done, now I'm having dinner with P'Mark and I think I'll go home straight after this" Fourth replied

"Oh, aren't you going to come to the hospital" P'Yui said

"Why will I go to the hospital, is something happening?" Fourth was clueless what the need of him to visit hospital

"Gem is coming back and he's in the hospital, I think you already know it, don't you? " P'Yui really think that Fourth already knew it, since she knew it later than others, she hear it from Ohm when Gem is already in the hospital

"When did he return, why is he in the hospital Mae? " Fourth is surprise to hear that Gemini is back, but him in the hospital shock him more

"Mae, answer me, why is he in the hospital Mae" Fourth is shouting on the phone impatiently when P'Yui didn't answer him

"Ahh.......Fourth..... He's......


Sorry, but let me stop here, I know it's short and I update late

But these days, I have some problems which I can't even share with others, and on top of that, I have to take care of my niece since her mom is not here

I'll try to update new chapter tonight, or maybe tomorrow

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