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I'm still awake when Fourth come last night, but I don't want to see him, I'm afraid that I will lose control and beg him to stay with me, I can't be selfish

I don't know how long I will live, I'm lucky enough to still survive til this days, no one expect me to survive, even the doctors were surprise

When I found out that I had heart disease, my doctor advise me to take further treatment but at that time msp last fanmeeting was near, I want to join the last moment with the others, I'm begging the doctor to let me join them first and I'll take my treatment after the fanmeeting, they tell me it can be dangerous for my life, but I still want to spent my time with them

The doctors didn't allow me to join, they told me to get admit and getting treatment immediately, but I really want to join the last fanmeeting, so I refuse to get treatment at that time, my parents know how stubborn I am when it comes to something I want, so they ask the doctor if I could practice with the gang

At last, they allowed me to practice but I'll be under their monitor, even if it's hard, I still want to do it, this maybe be the last time I share the stage with them, so I want to give my all

I am not allowed to practice dance for long, I'm lucky that I am a fast learner, if not I'll be in trouble, but after practice I'm always directed to the hospital, sometimes it's hard cause I need to hide from others

Only my parents know at that time, I don't want others to know, I don't want to worry them, I thoughts of telling them after the concert about my conditions and my reasons for leaving

I already talk to P'Tha that I'll be leaving the company for some reason, but not telling the exact reason yet cause I'm afraid he'll be stressing, he is a person who cares for his employees, he cares us like his family, I know he'll be stress for my health

But things has gone unexpected, I abruptly change my plans and make the announcement at the end of the concert, I know my friends are surprise and they maybe mad at me, especially Fourth, he is my on screen partner, but if I don't make the announcement now, I don't know if I'll be able to do it

After the fanmeet, my conditions became worse, we fly to Mexico to get further treatment the next day after the fanmeet, and I spend most of my time in the hospital

There I met Liza, she's my doctor, she's a bit older than me, but she's a nice person, she always have a smile on her face when meeting her patient, she never show her tiredness to her patient, treating everyone with respect and care, everyone of her patients love her

She is like a friend I knows for a long time now even if I just know her only for few weeks, we met at the hospital, but after knowing each other, we found out that we were on the same street, just a few house away

Our family also become close since I got to be closer with Liza, our family be having dinner together everytime I'm out from the hospital and sometimes her parents will visit me in the hospital too

We become closer day by day, we will talk about almost everything, I can always share whats on my mind, she will listen carefully, it makes me feel like someone so important, she never make me feel ignored

I'm in and out of the hospital for a year, there are many times I want to give up the fight, but Liz is always there for me, she will be my strength, my best supporter

And I can't exclude P'Ohm, P'Prom and P'Perth who always support me. They were mad at me for not telling them about my conditions and also for leaving them without a goodbye, but maybe they understand how hard it is for me, so they always support me, but since I need to get treatment at Mexico, we don't meet often, when they have time, we'll have video chat, or they visit me on their vacation day, I'm really glad to have them as my friend

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