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"Phi, what will i do now, I think he don't want to see me or talk to me anymore" Fourth said with a depressing tone

"Fourth, if he don't want to see you, do you think he will come to your concert" Dunk replied

"I want to think it like that, but Phi, you also know that he don't come to me or say hello, we just know that he attend after seeing that fancam, if he wants to see me, don't you think he will come to me after the concert end, but he didn't, maybe he also hate me just like P'Ohm" As he said his last sentence, his voice sound dejected and so low that it's almost like a whisper

"What do you mean Fourth, why would Ohm hate you, I know he don't treat you like before, but Fourth, hate is a strong word" Dunk asked with a confused face, he know Ohm didn't treat Fourth like before but he think that it's just a matter of time, and since Fourth and Ohm has different schedule, they don't spend time together like before, so isn't it normal to change a bit

"Phi, you say that cause you don't see how he look me, it's always reflect hate on his eyes, but the problem is I don't know the reason, he always avoid to talk to me, he never say a words to me if it's not that necessary, it'll be better if I know the reason, so I could find a solution, I want to ask P'Nanon for help but you also know what's happening to them, I don't want to force him to help me" Fourth took a deep breath, just thinking of those thing make him feel unwell, he really want to know where Gemini is, but the only one who knows doesn't want to talk to him

"It's ok Fourth, I'll try talking to Ohm, I can't guarantee it will be useful, but I'll try my best to help you" Dunk don't know if he will be able to help, but at least he will give it a try, he wants his favorite juniors to be happy together, he knew how both of them were comfortable with each other, and he see how it effect Fourth's life when Gemini left, so he want to do anything he can

"Fourth, are you ok? " Fourth just realized he was lost in his thought again when his mom shakes him on his shoulder, "I've called you many times, but you didn't hear me, anything happen? "

"No Mae, I'm fine, I'm just lost in thoughts, do you need anything? " Fourth replied his mom

"It's just that breakfast is ready, I made your favorite food, come and eat it, or else you'll be late for work, I'll call dad and your sister"

"Khrap Mae, thank you for the food" This is the reason Fourth loves to spend time at home, his mom always cook his favorite food, and the care they give him, it's always heartwarming, spending time at his condo can be lonely sometimes, he don't want to spent his time alone or else he will be lost in thoughts and thinking things as "what if", so he always make himself busy as much as he can


I know it's short and only about 500+ words, but I'll end the chapter here, I think the storyline becomes boring, so I want it to go a little bit faster, so from the next chapter we'll go with better pace

And once again, sorry for the very late update, grandma passed away last sunday(I.e. 29th oct) and before that week, she was in a serious condition, so we had to take care of her, my grandparents from my mothers side passed away before I even born yet, and on my fathers side, grandma passed away when I was 3 and 15 when granpa passed away, so now she's the only one I can call grandma, but now she's also gone

Dear readers, if your grandparents were still with you, take good care of them and be grateful while you still can, so you'll not have any regret when their time comes

And thank you to all my lovely readers and especially to those who vote my story

Stay healthy and happy, enjoy your life ✌🏻

Sending you all my love😘😘

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