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Fourth search for Gemini after their concert is over, but he found him nowhere, when he see their manager,he asked her if she see Gemini, their manager told him that Gemini's leaving early since he has something important to do, Fourth can't think anything what can be so important that Gem cannot stay at the party, but his manager also don't know that

He really wants to talk to Gemini and confront him why he didn't tell him about him leaving the company, he can't reach Gemini's phone and he can't go to his  apartment since they have a celebration cum farewell party, maybe the talk needs to wait.

When the morning come, when Fourth finished doing his morning routine, he try to reach Gemini again to asked him having breakfast together and have a talk, but he still can't reach him, he was not that surprise, he know that Gem like to sleep in on his off day, so he decided to cook breakfast for himself and he'll just go to Gem's apartment to invite him for lunch

When he's finishing his breakfast, it's only 10 a.m., Fourth scroll his Twitter account to pass time, their concert was trending no 1 in Thailand, he look fans tweet, there were many tweets about Gemini leaving GMM, fans were sad about that, and so Fourths too

The tweet he reads made his mood a bit off, how can Gem just decided to leave, what about their new project, he loves to hang around Gem, he can be weird sometimes, but most of all, he was a caring person, he don't want someone to be left out, he's easy to approach and talk to, his laugh can make the whole place light up, will they be able to hangout like before if Gemini leaves the company...

Fourth was in front of Gemini's apartment door, ringing the door bell, but he got no response.. He knock the door with his hand, but to no avail, maybe Gem was not home, he's getting out of the building, there he saw the guard, the guard also recognise him as he was a regular guest here( you all know what I mean, right? 😉) the guard greets him with a smile, "long time no see khun, I'm not expecting to see you here again after Nong Gemini move out, what are you doing here? " he ask Fourth

"Gem move out from his apartment? When did he move out?" Fourth was dumbfounded, he don't know Gemini move out from his apartment, why didn't he tell him

"He move out last friday, didn't he tell you? He say that he was not going to stay in Bangkok for long, so he move out and his apartment was empty for now" The guard told him what he knows, Fourth don't know what to think right now, he felt discontent, why did Gemini keep all this a secret, isn't he worthy of telling all these or does he too busy with other things that Gem can't talk to him

Why didn't he notice any change in Gemini's behavior, didn't Gem show any sign or he is just too occupied with their tour and other things, he tried to think is there any change in Gem's behavior, but he can't think of anything, except one thing, he don't eat much like before, but does that have anything to do with him leaving, he don't know.


Gemini's announcement on their last concert was surprising to his co-workers and the fans, but what's surprising more was that they don't know Gemini's whereabouts, one week has already passed from their concert day, but there's no news on his whereabout, when the concert was over, the actors and crew members were supposed to have a celebration party, but Gemini was nowhere to see, he told his manager that he will be leaving first as he has something to do, but what the others doesn't know is that, that will be the last time they see Gemini.

All his social media accounts were deactivated, it's just like he never exist, if not for the movies he's in, the interview and the videos made by their fan, people will think that he never exist.

No one from the company knows where he is. He don't tell what he'll be doing after their contract end to the CEO, he's just asking to end their contract. But the company make announcement saying that Gemini deleting his SM(social media) account because he just want to focus on something without distraction and that he wants to lay low for sometimes.

The fans made an assumption that there is a problem between Fourth and Gemini, that's why Gemini left the company and delete his account but no one knows the real reason behind Gemini's leaving the company.


Ahhh... 😫😫😫😫it's so boring, I can't write out what I'm thinking, what will I do😩😩

English is not my first language, when I tried to write out I'm always lost for words, please bear with me🥺🥺

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