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I've met him after 4 years, but this isn't how I want to meet him, he already got a family of his own. He got pretty wife with a decent job and above that, he already have a son, how am I supposed to take all this

I'm dreaming of the times I'll meet him again, but this isn't how I dreamt about it, why do he have to be already married, why?

All those 4 years while I've been waiting him to come back without knowing if he'll return or not, he was here with someone else happily and start his own family

Is this why P'Ohm said I should be happy that he attend my solo fanmeet, because that is the only things I can get from him

Is all those time I spent searching for him was just a waste of time?

He doesn't have a problem but enjoying his life, a life where I wasn't included, a life where I have no importance

Does this mean that I have no effect on his life, the time we spent together were nothing to him?

Why, why does it hurt so bad?

Why does it have to be so painful?

I don't want to feel all these pain

Please someone take away all these heavy things from my chest
It made it so hard to breath
It's suffocating

Why do I need to meet him again if it's gonna be like this?

I can still keep dreaming the way I wish before I meet him again, but now everything has change

Someone please tell me it's just one of those nightmare

Please just wake me up from this nightmare, I don't want to sleep to get this kind of nightmare, please... Please just wake me up

I can't go on like this


Wake me up


Just a short update

I have a question

Should I write Gem's pov or should I just continue with only Fourth's pov and third person's pov?

Anyway, good night lovies🤍🤍

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