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Fourth and Mark were chatting in the changing room waiting for their manager, talking about some random stuff laughing with each other heartily, Fourth was glad to have a friends like Mark and Satang, they were still going strong with the 'star is born' gang, he was happy that he has a friends who he can share his problems and support him

"Fourth, your fan meet in Mexico is next week, so P'Tha said that you can halt you're ongoing works for now and focus on you're preparation and your health"  Yui, Fourth's manger told Fourth when he comeback after meeting the CEO

(A/N I know P'Yui is not their manager anymore but what, this is story, everything can happen😆😆)

"Ok Mae Yui, I'll do my best
Ohh... Mae Yui, do you want to join us for dinner, P'Mark and I try to have dinner together" Fourth asking his manager too, he was close to his manager as they were together for almost 6years, he love his manager and she also takes care of him like a mom cares for his son

"Is it a treat? " Yui asked in a teasing tone

"Everything for my favorite mae" Fourth replied smiling

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go" Yui said picking up her bag and walk towards the door

Fourth follow her but Mark have to wait for P'Kwang, his manager, they will meet at the restaurant as they already make reservation

Fourth and Mae Yui already ordered when Mark and P'Kwang arrived, when they finish their dinner, P'Kwang and Mae Yui left to go back to the company as they still have things to do

Fourth and Mark stay back for awhile and chitchat, they were discussing about Fourth's fanmeet, and that's when Mark decided to follow him to Mexico

Fourth was glad that Mark wants to join him, but he contemplate whether to accept or reject him to rest for his off days since they don't get much off days in a year, so he wants him to rest and do things he like, but Mark insist on going, so Fourth just let him be

Fourth's and his team arrived at Mexico after almost 30hours flight with all the layover time, they rest for the whole day after a tiring flight(a.n i dont like flights)

They will be staying in Mexico for 10 days, and having fanmeet in two different city, Mexico city and Guadalajara

On the first day of their stay, they tour around Mexico city whole day

On the second day, Fourth have rehearsal on the venue, vip fans were allowed to stay on the rehearsal, and Mark accompany Fourth wherever he gosidewe wouldn't be wrong to say he never leaves Fourth's side, staff and fans always tease them as they are always together when they have time

The main fanmeeting day has arrived  and many fans were gathered, Fourth was still surprise to see thousands of fans gather for him, he still doubts that he has many supporters at foreign country, it always make him happy to interact with his fans

He spends the whole day enjoying with the fans gathered for the fanmeeting, they have photo session and fansign and the day has end like that

At night, Fourth and Mark have dinner together and went to their hotel room to rest, the next day they have to travel to their next destination, Guadalajara

In the morning, they fly to Guadalajara, it's around an hour and 20 minutes flight, they took rest and tour around in the afternoon and have dinner all together, at night, Fourth have rehearsal and the next day will be his fanmeeting day, they rehearse for about two and half hour and rest for the night

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