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It's been so long since I last talk to Gem, if I know that night would be the last time I saw him, I wouldn't let him go just like that, but if I know it will be the last time, will I let him go willingly, I don't think so

I thought that he was just going to use restroom, but he never come back, I wish it was just a vacation we spent seperately, but there's no vacation which takes more than a year, is there?

I feel like I'm going crazy, my friends told me to move on from that situation but how can I, one of the most important person in my life just leave like that, I don't even know how is he now.

Is he okay?
Will he be able to sleep well?
What if he skip his meal?
Will there be someone who cook for him?
What if he just eat snacks and take out?
What if he is sick, who will take care of him?

There are many thought that occupy my mind, but all of them are 'what if Gem this/that'

I want to focus on work and be successful, I want Gem to be proud of me when he return, I don't know when will he return, but I'll still wait for him

But sometimes it's hard to focus, when I'm filming with others, it always remind me of Gem who support me in every possible way, the one who always makes me smile, who always reach out to me when I need a hands to hold, the one who don't want to see me sad, who always cheer me up when I'm down

His smile was contagious and his laugh is heartwarming, I want to listen to his laugh, cause that always lighten up my world, but now I can only listen to those short clips I've record during filming and fan meeting

I wish I could turn back the time to where we spend everyday together, so that I'll be able to spend more time with him, I'll hold him and told him how important he is to me

But there's no things like time machine, I need to face the reality and accept it, but I'll keep on hoping that one day you'll come back, if not as the actor, but at least come back as an ordinary person Gemini Norawit

Wherever you are, take care of yourself, let's meet again soon, Gem, I miss you so much, don't you miss me too, why do you need to end all things here, can't you at least talk to me once in a while, why do you need to stop everything where I can know your whereabouts

I miss you so bad that I want to give up everything and search for the world to find you, will you allow me to do that, Gem?


Here's a very very short update, I'm sorry for breaking so long

I tried to update on Gem's birthday but it was raining, I had rheumatism and it was cold, so I cannot type it

And I try to continue on last Thursday but my aunt pass away and I've to attend there

And I'm getting migraine from yesterday, I couldn't concentrate on my typing, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience

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