Chapter 1: Coming Home Late

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Kaveh's POV:
I walked down the streets of the quiet Sumeru city. Unlike during the day, there was barely anybody there. I was going to stop at the tavern for a bit, I'm sure Haitham wouldn't mind. I walked into the the bustling tavern, only going to stop for a few drinks. I started walking towards a table, when I saw two familiar faces, Tighnari and Cyno. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I joined them. I started off to their table and greeted them.
"Hey guys!" I said "May I join you?"
Tighnari lifted his head and glanced at me. "Of course! Me and Cyno don't mind"
I took a seat at the round, circular table and ordered a drink.
"Is Alhaitham coming?" Cyno asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"I don't think so," I replied "he's still at work"
Tighnari and Cyno both looked at each other and sighed.
"Too bad, I had to tell him something." Tighnari said, rolling his eyes and going back to his drink. I look at both of them, confused, wondering what they wanted to tell him. Speaking of Alhaitham, maybe I should've told him I was going to the tavern before leaving, I don't want him to worry about me. I brushed the thoughts off and continued drinking with Cyno and Tighnari. After a bit, they both left, telling me that I should leave not too long after them. I told them I wouldn't, but that didn't last for long.
Alhaitham's POV:
"Goodbye and enjoy your night." I said, leaving the Akademiya. I walked quietly through the silent night. I was exhausted and wanted to fall asleep right away. That probably wasn't going to happen though, being the fact that I had to live with Kaveh, who was very loud (no offense intended). I arrived at the small home and opened the door.
"Kaveh! I'm home." I yelled, walking into the doorway and taking off my shoes. No answer.
How strange, he usually would answer back. I decided that he was probably at the tavern and told myself that he'd be home soon, he never really stayed too long. I waited an hour, and then another, and another, and now I'm getting worried. I walked over to the entrance and grabbed my shoes, slipping them on my feet. I instantly opened the door and quickly ran to the tavern. To my surprise, there he was, sleeping on a table in the center of the tavern. I breathed I sigh of relief, but at the same time, I was somewhat angry. I walked over to the table he was located.
"Kaveh, wake up, we have to go home." I said quietly, trying my best to not startle him. Kaveh lifted his head up slowly. He made a sound of confusion. "Huh? What happened" he asked, unaware of what was going on. I picked him up without saying anything and we quickly left. I decided to carry him all the way back. He fell asleep in my arms again. I didn't want to wake him up, he looked so peaceful and pretty- WAIT NO, WHAT? I ignored my bizarre comment that I made in my head and continued walking home. When I got there, I opened the door and set Kaveh on his bed. I got myself undressed and got into some comfy clothing. I checked on Kaveh before I went to bed. He looked so sweet and peaceful. I returned back to my room and got in bed. I thought about what I had said about Kaveh and that he was "pretty". I had no idea what these feelings were and why I was feeling them all of a sudden. I brushed it off and fell asleep. I didn't notice my face was extremely red.

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