Chapter 8: To Mondstadt!

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Kaveh's POV:
I had just woken up. It's about 5:30 in the morning. I finished my project a few hours before and was ready to deliver it. I got out of my bed to go tell Alhaitham where I was going today, if he was even awake at this time. Alhaitham is usually not a morning person but some days are exceptions. I slowly crept over to his room and opened his door. To my surprise he was fully awake, reading a book in his bed.
"Good morning Alhaitham!" I said, giving him a small smile.
He look up from his book. "Good morning? Why are you awake this early?" He's asks, putting his book down in front of him.
"I need to deliver my model to Mondstadt, so I might be a while, maybe a day or less." I tell him.
He nods and walks over to me. He gives me a hug and tells me to be careful. Weird, right?
I exit his room and go back to mine. I find a backpack in my closet and decide to use that for my trip. I put food, water, and some other extra things I might need for my small trip. I put my model in a glass case to protect it. I put the backpack on my back and say goodbye to Alhaitham one last time. I exit the house and set off on my small journey. I wonder how much money I'll make?
Alhaitham's POV:
Kaveh left for Mondstadt not too long ago. I know he has a vision and can fight, but I'm still kinda nervous. I shouldn't be though. I was never like this before. This stupid love thing has really made how I see and treat Kaveh really different. Why would I be in love with a stupid blond like him? He's annoying, but at the same time, I really like his voice. Yeah, it can get obnoxious very easily, but it can soothe me. He's also very pretty and handsome. I don't know anymore. I'm confused with myself. I want to tell Kaveh how I feel, but I know for a fact he doesn't feel the same way. If I told him how I felt, he would definitely not want to have any contact with me, that's for sure. I laugh to myself. Should I invite Tighnari and Cyno over for tea? Yeah, I should. I walk out of the house and start towards their house.
"Hey, Alhaitham!" A voice yells towards me. It was Cyno.
"Oh, Cyno, funny seeing you, I was going to your house."
Tighnari comes up behind Cyno. "Why?" He says.
"I was wondering if you two wanted to come over for some tea." I tell them.
Cyno and Tighnari laugh.
"You want us over?" Tighnari snickers.
"Sure! Why not!" Cyno says.
We all enter the house and I sit them down at the table. I walk over to the kitchen to make some tea for them.
After a few minutes, I come back to the table with the tea and give them each teacups.
"Where's Kaveh?" Cyno asks, looking around the room while sipping his tea.
"He left for Mondstadt not too long ago. He needed to deliver a model to somebody." I tell them.
"All by himself?!" Tighnari asks, surprised.
"Yes, all by himself." I reply.
"He better stay safe! The Fatui have been recently seen around Mondstadt." Tighnari says.
I stop drinking my tea for a second and place my cup down on the table.
"I trust Kaveh, I think he will be fine, he has a vision you know!" Cyno says.
I can tell that Cyno is a little worried, he just doesn't want to worry everyone else and make the situation worse.
"Hey Alhaitham," Cyno says.
"Yes?" I reply with.
"Why are you all of sudden worrying about Kaveh so much, you never really cared for him."
I stop. Do I tell them? I hesitate for a moment.
"I-," I pause. "I'm pretty sure I am in love with him." I finally say.
Cyni and Tighnari are silent. Their mouths are hung wide open.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" They both yell in synch.
I look away. "Yes." I whisper, a little embarrassed.
Cyni and Tighnari start laughing. "Should we tell him or should we let them do it?" I slightly hear Cyni whisper to Tighnari.
"Let them do it." He whispers back.
I'm confused. Did they expect this? What's going on?!
"What's wrong?" I say.
Tighnari hesitates before finally saying, "It's just funny because you guys literally hated each other."
We enjoy the rest of the night talking and sipping tea. Cyno and Tighnari leave after a while and I decide to go to bed. Should I have told them my secret? I slowly drift off to sleep whilst questioning myself.
Kaveh's POV:
I let out a big yawn. I've been walking for what feels like days. I'm so tired but Mondstadt City is right there. I can see it from where I'm standing. I decide that I should probably get a hotel room and sleep there for the night. I will deliver the model tomorrow. I slowly start to walk towards the city, but I hear something. Footsteps? Is it somebody from Mondstadt? What are they doing out this late at night?! I turn around to inspect my surroundings. Nobody. Am I imagining them? I forget about the noise and start walking again. BAM!!

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